我需要计算此 JSON 响应中的项目数(帖子),
2012-06-04 14:09:57.872 horitable[72261:11903] JSON : {
posts = (
post = {
eventdate = "2012-03-31";
eventid = 2;
eventimage = "http://hernandoz.local/~hernandoz/kopict/02_31march2012.jpg";
eventinfo = "02 event";
eventname = "xplosion 02";
post = {
eventdate = "2012-07-07";
eventid = 3;
eventimage = "http://hernandoz.local/~hernandoz/kopict/greg_vs_turner.jpg";
eventinfo = "02 event";
eventname = "Xplosion 02";
post = {
eventdate = "2012-04-29";
eventid = 4;
eventimage = "http://hernandoz.local/~hernandoz/kopict/ko_itclub_apr_2012.jpg";
eventinfo = "KO East London Interclub";
eventname = "KO Interclub";
我知道只有 3 个事件(帖子),这是我正在使用的代码
[[AFNetworkActivityIndicatorManager sharedManager] decrementActivityCount];
NSLog(@"JSON : %@", JSON); //get the JSON response
// 6.1 - Load JSON into internal variable
jsonResponse = JSON;
// 6.2 - Get the number of shows (post)
int shows = 0;
for (NSDictionary* day in jsonResponse) {
shows += [[day objectForKey:@"posts"] count];
NSLog(@"count : %d",shows);
-[__NSCFString objectForKey:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x76986f0