I have an iOS app where I am trying to display a list images found in a Dropbox folder, along with their modification date, in a table. The result would look something like this: Dropbox file list with modification date

The following is successful in retrieving the file list, but I am stuck on getting file attributes as described in the Dropbox metadata API. I've tried several different ways to get this, as well as different properties. I get an error even before building.: Property 'modified' not found on object of type 'DBMetadata *'

- (void)restClient:(DBRestClient*)client loadedMetadata:(DBMetadata*)metadata {
    NSArray* validExtensions = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"jpg", @"jpeg", nil];
    NSMutableArray* newPhotoPaths = [NSMutableArray new];
    NSMutableArray* fileModified = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
    for (DBMetadata* child in metadata.contents)
        NSString* extension = [[child.path pathExtension] lowercaseString];
        if (!child.isDirectory && [validExtensions indexOfObject:extension] != NSNotFound)
            [newPhotoPaths addObject:child.path];
            NSLog(@"\t%@", newPhotoPaths);
            //[fileModified addObject:child.modified]; // Error
            //NSLog(@"%@", fileModified)

Suggestions greatly appreciated. Thanks.


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于 2012-06-03T04:45:08.260 回答