
  1. 在 python 中创建一个循环,为用户提供 4 个可能选项的提示;输入“1”、“2”、“3”或其他任何内容。如果用户选择 1、2 或 3,则会显示文本。如果用户输入任何其他内容,他们会看到文本,并再次提示。如此重复,直到他们输入 1、2 或 3。

  2. 然后我想从用户那里获取输入以在该循环之外使用并继续游戏。

到目前为止我的解决方案:在我发布我的代码之前,我将描述它,我基本上已经将我想要的所有代码放在一个没有参数的函数中的循环中。然后我在 else 语句中调用该函数。



if blackdoor(decision) == "1":



def blackdoor():
    print """After having recently died you awake to find yourself standing in an all white room with a black door that seems to go into the sky forever. What do you do?\n1.Touch the door.\n2.Shout at the door.\n3.Stare at the door."""
    decision = raw_input("> ")
    if decision == "1":
        print "You touch the door. It is as cold as ice. You can feel a vibration pulsing from the door through your body.\n"
    elif decision == "2":
        print "You shout 'Hello?! Is anybody there?!' at the door. But nothing responds. Your voice echoes off in the distance.\n"
    elif decision == "3":
        print "You stare at the door intensely. You envision it opening when all of a sudden you get the feeling of something staring back at you.\n"
        print "You don't follow instructions very well, do you?\n"
    return decision




3 回答 3




def blackdoor():
    end_condition = False
    while not end_condition:
        end_condition = True
        print """After having recently died you awake to find yourself standing in an all white room with a black door that seems to go into the sky forever. What do you do?\n1.Touch the door.\n2.Shout at the door.\n3.Stare at the door."""
        decision = raw_input("> ")
        if decision == "1":
            print "You touch the door. It is as cold as ice. You can feel a vibration pulsing from the door through your body.\n"
        elif decision == "2":
            print "You shout 'Hello?! Is anybody there?!' at the door. But nothing responds. Your voice echoes off in the distance.\n"
        elif decision == "3":
            print "You stare at the door intensely. You envision it opening when all of a sudden you get the feeling of something staring back at you.\n"
            print "You don't follow instructions very well, do you?\n"
            end_condition = False
    return decision

decision = blackdoor()
于 2012-06-01T20:03:30.520 回答

您正在递归调用blackdoor(),但您没有返回调用的结果。您需要return blackdoor()将结果返回给调用者。


def blackdoor():
print """After having recently died you awake to find yourself standing in an all white room with a black door that seems to go into the sky forever. What do you do?\n1.Touch the door.\n2.Shout at the door.\n3.Stare at the door."""
decision = raw_input("> ")
if decision == "1":
    print "You touch the door. It is as cold as ice. You can feel a vibration pulsing from the door through your body.\n"
elif decision == "2":
    print "You shout 'Hello?! Is anybody there?!' at the door. But nothing responds. Your voice echoes off in the distance.\n"
elif decision == "3":
    print "You stare at the door intensely. You envision it opening when all of a sudden you get the feeling of something staring back at you.\n"
    print "You don't follow instructions very well, do you?\n"
    return blackdoor()
return decision
于 2012-06-01T19:52:34.023 回答


PythonWiki上有一个 FSM 实现列表。

如果你只有一两个动作,使用 FSM 似乎有点过头了,但你会发现,即使是一个简单的冒险游戏,如果没有一个动作的帮助,编写一个简单的冒险游戏也是不必要的困难。

更新我在Python 和 FSM上找到了一个有用的答案,以供将来参考。

于 2012-06-01T20:28:36.030 回答