我用 php(pdo) 和 mysql 做了一个简单的追随者系统。我的问题是,
假设有一个 ID 号为 99 的用户名 Mike。Mike 有两个关注者,Greg(id = 77) 和 Jenny(id = 88)
Greg 的关注列表是这样的 (1,2,3,4,99),Jenny 的关注列表是这样的 (5,6,99,7)
我想做的是,当 Mike(99) 删除他的帐户时,我想从 Greg(77) 和 Jenny(88) 的以下列表中删除 ID 号 99。
名为“mytable”的表有 3 个字段。id(INT),following_list(文本),follower_list(文本)。
public function update_following_list(){
// $this->myid is Mike's id number(99) who is about to delete his account
// Selecting the list of people following Mike
$query = "SELECT 'follower_list' FROM 'mytable' WHERE 'id' = $this->myid";
$result = $this->dbc->query($query);
foreach($result as $row){
$this->follower_list = $row['follower_list'];
// When I echo $this->follower_list, I get 77,88
// Now querying Greg(77) and Jenny(88)'s following_lists, which have Mike's id number(99) in them.
$query = "SELECT 'following_list' FROM 'mytable' WHERE 'id' IN ($this->follower_list)";
$result = $this->dbc->query($query);
foreach($result as $row){
$this->following_list = $row['following_list'];
// When I echo $this->following_list, I get both Greg(1,2,3,4,99) and Jenny(5,6,99,7)'s following lists
// Here, I am turning following list into array by using explode
$this->following_array = explode(",", $this->following_list);
foreach($this->following_array as $key => $value){
if($value == $this->myid){
// Removing Mike(99)'s id number from Greg and Jenny's following lists
// Add back commas, which will then become string
$this->new_following_list = implode(",", $this->_following_array);
// When I echo $this->new_following_list, I get both Greg(1,2,3,4) and Jenny(5,6,7)'s new list without Mike(99)'s id number
// My problem starts here. I was able to remove Mike's id number from Greg and Jenny's lists. But I am having a trouble updating Greg and Jenny's following lists with new following lists.
// The update query below does not work...
$query = "UPDATE 'mytable' SET 'following_list' = $this->new_following_list WHERE 'id' IN ($this->follower_list)";
$result = $this->dbc->query($query);
} // End of if($value == $this->myid)
} // End of foreach($this->following_array as $key => $value)
} // End of function