我有带有循环的 python 应用程序,它生成一些文件,保存视频图像和其他一些东西。我将它安装在 Fedora (17) PC 上并希望它“永远”运行,即如果它挂起(我可以将一些 keep_alive 放入循环文件中) - 它应该重新启动。它也应该在重新启动时启动。据我了解,python-daemon 有助于做到这一点,并且在 Fedora 中使用 systemd。我有以下 systemd 配置文件(我不确定某些参数,因为文档对于我的 linux 知识水平来说太复杂了):

Description=TPR Daemon

ExecStart=/usr/bin/python /home/igor/tpr/testd.py



import daemon
import time, sys

class MyDaemon(object):
    def __init__(self):

    def run(self):
        while True:
            print 'I am alive!'

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with daemon.DaemonContext(stdout=sys.stdout):
        check = MyDaemon()

当我用“sudo systemctl start tpr.service”运行它时,它会挂起一段时间,然后用这个消息取消:

警告:磁盘上的 tpr.service 单元文件已更改,建议使用“systemctl --system daemon-reload”。tpr.service 的作业失败。有关详细信息,请参阅“systemctl status tpr.service”和“journalctl -xn”。

以下是来自 /var/log/messages 的一些日志:

Aug  9 21:32:27 localhost systemd[1]: Unit tpr.service entered failed state.
Aug  9 21:32:27 localhost systemd[1]: tpr.service holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
Aug  9 21:32:27 localhost systemd[1]: Stopping TPR Daemon...
Aug  9 21:32:27 localhost systemd[1]: Starting TPR Daemon...
Aug  9 21:33:57 localhost systemd[1]: tpr.service operation timed out. Terminating.
Aug  9 21:33:57 localhost python[28702]: I am alive!
Aug  9 21:33:57 localhost python[28702]: I am alive!
Aug  9 21:33:57 localhost python[28702]: I am alive!
Aug  9 21:33:57 localhost python[28702]: I am alive!
Aug  9 21:33:57 localhost python[28702]: I am alive!
Aug  9 21:33:57 localhost python[28702]: I am alive!
Aug  9 21:33:57 localhost python[28702]: I am alive!
Aug  9 21:33:57 localhost python[28702]: I am alive!
Aug  9 21:33:57 localhost systemd[1]: tpr.service: control process exited, code=exited status=1
Aug  9 21:33:57 localhost systemd[1]: Failed to start TPR Daemon.
Aug  9 21:33:57 localhost systemd[1]: Unit tpr.service entered failed state.
Aug  9 21:33:57 localhost systemd[1]: tpr.service holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
Aug  9 21:33:57 localhost systemd[1]: Stopping TPR Daemon...
Aug  9 21:33:57 localhost systemd[1]: Starting TPR Daemon...



似乎守护进程应该以某种方式让 systemd 知道它已经启动..但是如何?

Aug 10 01:15:36 localhost systemd[1]: Starting TPR Daemon...
Aug 10 01:17:06 localhost systemd[1]: tpr.service operation timed out. Terminating.
Aug 10 01:17:06 localhost systemd[1]: tpr.service: control process exited, code=exited status=1
Aug 10 01:17:06 localhost systemd[1]: Failed to start TPR Daemon.
Aug 10 01:17:06 localhost systemd[1]: Unit tpr.service entered failed state.
Aug 10 01:17:06 localhost systemd[1]: tpr.service holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
Aug 10 01:17:06 localhost systemd[1]: Stopping TPR Daemon...
Aug 10 01:17:06 localhost systemd[1]: Starting TPR Daemon...
Aug 10 01:18:36 localhost systemd[1]: tpr.service operation timed out. Terminating.
Aug 10 01:18:36 localhost systemd[1]: tpr.service: control process exited, code=exited status=1
Aug 10 01:18:36 localhost systemd[1]: Failed to start TPR Daemon.
Aug 10 01:18:36 localhost systemd[1]: Unit tpr.service entered failed state.
Aug 10 01:18:36 localhost systemd[1]: tpr.service holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
Aug 10 01:18:36 localhost systemd[1]: Stopping TPR Daemon...
Aug 10 01:18:36 localhost systemd[1]: Starting TPR Daemon...

1 回答 1


关于在磁盘上更改的错误意味着文件被更改了。运行后,systemctl daemon-reload该文件将被重新读取并且您将能够启动该服务。您可以使用本手册页中所述的通知。服务的类型是notify。接下来是:你说你的服务类型为forking. 你的进程真的分叉了吗?PIDfile如果您使用分叉,建议设置选项。使用 systemd 不需要将进程分叉为守护进程。

于 2013-08-10T20:30:31.227 回答