我有一个关于 java 中的多线程的问题。我正在模拟一个链接,其中我有一个生成器、一个缓冲区和一个接收器。所有这些都是使用套接字在它们之间进行通信的独立程序。这工作得很好,但我的缓冲区有点问题。我想通过以下方式模拟一个严格优先级队列,我有两个队列,一个具有高优先级,一个具有低优先级,因此,我有两个缓冲区。我在 BufferContainer 中有这两个,并且 bot 是独立的线程,因为它们每个都从不同的生成器接收数据。问题是我只有一个调度程序,它根据优先级决定将哪些数据包传输到接收器。它似乎正在工作,但我在停止程序时遇到了问题。buffer容器生成两个不同的Buffers和Scheduler。这是三个不同的线程,我需要知道调度程序什么时候完成他的任务。但我不知道该怎么做。这就是我尝试过的:

    import java.io.BufferedWriter;
    import java.io.FileWriter;
    import java.io.IOException;

    public class BufferContainer {

    private Buffer buffer0;
    private Buffer buffer1;
    private Scheduler scheduler;
    private Queue[] queue;
    private Queue q1;

    public BufferContainer (int inPort0, int outPort, long queueSize0, double serviceRate0, 
            int inPort1, long queueSize1, double serviceRate1){
        try {
            /*Some code here*/

            //Scheduler separated thread
            this.scheduler = new Scheduler(this.queue, serviceRate0, 
                   serviceRate1, outPort, outLog0, outLog1);
            //start the scheduler

            //Buffers separated threads
            this.buffer0 = new Buffer(inPort0, queueSize0, this.queue[0], outLog0); 
            this.buffer1 = new Buffer(inPort1, queueSize1, this.queue[1], outLog1); 
            //start the buffers

            /*Some code here*/

            while (true){
                        //Some code here
                    /*Some code here*/
            //stop Buffers

            /*Some code here*/
        } catch (IOException ex) {

    public static void main(String[] args){
           BufferContainer buf = new BufferContainer(Integer.parseInt(args[0]), Integer.parseInt(args[1]),
                Long.parseLong(args[2]), Double.parseDouble(args[3]), Integer.parseInt(args[4]), 
                Long.parseLong(args[5]), Double.parseDouble(args[6]));

我只需要知道调度程序何时结束,并且调度程序内部有一个布尔值,当它发生时设置为 true,我尝试在外部使用 while(true) 来持续检查此变量并在需要时停止调度程序,但是它不工作。关于如何从调度程序通知缓冲区容器的任何想法?



import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.Socket;
import java.util.Random;

public class Scheduler implements Runnable{

    Thread th;
    private double serviceRateHigh, serviceRateLow;
    private DataOutputStream wr;
    private BufferedWriter log0, log1;
    private Socket socket;
    private String packet;
    private Queue highPrioQueue, lowPrioQueue;
    //Es possible que es mdifiqui per diferents threads
    private volatile boolean shouldStop, schedulerTerminated, buffer0Terminated, buffer1Terminated;

    public Scheduler(Queue[] queue, double serviceRateHigh, double serviceRateLow, 
            int port, BufferedWriter log0, BufferedWriter log1){

        //Creem el thread
        this.th = new Thread(this);
        //Guardem les dues cues
        this.log0 = log0;
        this.log1 = log1;
        //Guardem els dos service rate
        this.serviceRateHigh = serviceRateHigh; 
        this.serviceRateLow = serviceRateLow;
        this.shouldStop = false;
        this.schedulerTerminated = false;
        this.buffer0Terminated = false;
        this.buffer1Terminated = false;
        //Socket y buffer de escriptura
        try {
            this.socket = new Socket(InetAddress.getByName(""), port);
            this.wr = new DataOutputStream(this.socket.getOutputStream());
        } catch (IOException e) {

    //Iniciar el thread
    public void start(){

    //Parar el thread
    public void stop(){
        this.shouldStop = true;
    //When both buffer have notified we can terminate the scheduler
    public synchronized boolean schedulerTerminated(){
        if (this.buffer0Terminated && this.buffer1Terminated)
            this.schedulerTerminated = true;

        return this.schedulerTerminated;

    public synchronized void setBufferTerminated(int n){
        if(n == 0) this.buffer0Terminated = true;
        if(n == 1) this.buffer1Terminated = true;

    //Assigna les cues de alta i baixa prioritat
    private void setQueues(Queue[] queue){
        char prio;
        for (int i = 0; i < queue.length; i++){
            prio = queue[i].getPrio();
            if (prio == 'H')
                this.highPrioQueue = queue[i];
                if (prio == 'L')
                    this.lowPrioQueue = queue[i];

    //Notifica al thread per a que es desperti
    synchronized public void resume(){

    protected void sendLastPacketNumberToSink(int pl0, int pl1) {           
        String datagram = "BYE" + " " + pl0 + " " + pl1;
            try {
                wr.writeBytes(datagram + '\n');
            }catch (IOException e) {}

    //Proces principal del thread
    public void run(){
            //Creem un generador de nombres aleatoris
            Random ran = new Random();
            //generem un nombre aleatori entre 0 i 1
            double uniform = ran.nextDouble();

            if(!this.highPrioQueue.isEmpty()){ //Cua de alta prioritat NO buida   
                //convertim a exponencial
                double sleeptime = Math.log(1-uniform)/(-this.serviceRateHigh);
                }catch(InterruptedException e){
                    //Enviem el paquet de la cua de alta prioritat
                try {
                    if ((this.packet = this.highPrioQueue.nextPacket()) != null){
                            this.wr.writeBytes(this.packet + '\n');
                            log0.write("\nScheduler: Paquet [" + packet + "] enviat desde la cua high\n");
                            log1.write("\nScheduler: Paquet [" + packet + "] enviat desde la cua high\n");
                }catch (IOException e) {
            else { 
                if (!this.lowPrioQueue.isEmpty()){//Cua de alta prioritat buida
                    //convertim a exponencial
                    double sleeptime = Math.log(1-uniform)/(-this.serviceRateLow);
                    }catch(InterruptedException e){
                    //Enviem el paquet de la cua de baixa prioritat
                    try {
                        if ((this.packet = this.lowPrioQueue.nextPacket()) != null){
                                this.wr.writeBytes(this.packet + '\n');
                                log0.write("\nScheduler: Paquet [" + packet + "] enviat desde la cua Low\n");
                                log1.write("\nScheduler: Paquet [" + packet + "] enviat desde la cua Low\n");
                    }catch (IOException e) {

我不确定是否可以在 run 方法当前正在运行时调用调度程序中的方法。如果发生这种情况,就会出现错误。



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