I've seen a number of question's closed as "Not programming related" (e.g. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/397854/what-process-accesses-my-hdd)
I understand that their's several alternative site (stackoverflow) themed-forums and to attempt keep site question's to a minimum also some may argue that this is too subjective, o well, I got madly flamed for my first answer, so here's my first question, I'll try to frame it in a psudo-contextual-basis (jepordy style) to keep some regulator's at bay...
Is it not fair to #include UNIX systems's level discussion in the same realm as programming? One of the most usefull UNIX tools I've ever used, strace/trus/par, is based around system call information and reporting, other tools like ltrace can do similar things for libararies...
System admin, I agree is not for this forum, like "How to I make qmail do X?", but is "My smtp virus scanner is not fast enough, based on dnotify?" (answer) "Hey, use inotify", so easy to discreminate? The latter may either be shell or linux kernel system call's.
I am not much of one for standards (read one too many lately), I'm adding a tag on POSIX "command language", to shift some focus on idenitfying some definative info.
Systems level interaction being somewhat of a programming-interface(API)/user-interface(shell) duality (perticularly for UNIX).
If the context of an inquisitor be primarially interface based and it is an easy quarry (or even typical) to solution an exclusivly programming/API responce, to help man and machiene alike, why require a domain change (body of knowledge or URL domain;)?