在Android ICS android\frameworks\base\core\res\res\values\config.xml 中,从原注释来看,config_useragentprofile_url 可以设置浏览器的header ua profile 链接。设置值后尝试,从 tcpdump 日志中,我们无法获取请求头中的 ua 配置文件链接。该代码可能无效。有谁知道为什么代码不能工作?谢谢
<!-- The URL that should be sent in an x-wap-profile header with an HTTP request,
as defined in the Open Mobile Alliance User Agent Profile specification
OMA-TS-UAProf-V2_0-20060206-A Section If the URL contains a '%s'
format string then that substring will be replaced with the value of
Build.MODEL. The format string shall not be escaped. -->
<string name="config_useragentprofile_url" translatable="false"></string>