ive been trying to sort an array in desc order but have been having trouble doing so.
i have...
microposts = Micropost.from_users_followed_by(self)
pub_messages = PubMessage.find_pub_messages_for(self.id)
(microposts + pub_messages).sort! { |a,b| a[:time_ago] <=> b[:time_ago] }
however the last line returns everything in ascending order. doing
fixes it, but i heard it's not very efficient to do so. i tried doing
(microposts + pub_messages).sort! { |a,b| -a[:time_ago] <=> -b[:time_ago] }
but it gives an error that it can't find -@
i tried
(microposts + pub_messages).sort! { |a,b| b[:time_ago] <=> a[:time_ago] }
but it doesn't change it either (i swapped b and a around). what am i doing wrong? in the meantime, when i do the methods
find_pub_messages_for and from_users_followed_by
i do something like
default_scope order: 'pub_messages.created_at DESC'
default_scope order: 'microposts.created_at DESC'
in my models when i retrieve them. however is that a waste? because in the end, im sorting them again based on both microposts and pub_messages as seen in the line
(microposts + pub_messages).sort! { |a,b| a[:time_ago] <=> b[:time_ago] }
thanks a bunch!