我正在尝试使用两个 EC2 可用区中的两个 redis 主服务器构建一个作业队列。所有 LPUSH 操作都在应用层对两个 AZ 中的两台主机完成。理想情况下,我会使用GitHub 的 resque,但 resque似乎没有任何关于多个 AZ 中的多个 master 的概念。

我需要确保只有一名工人在从事给定的工作。一些工人将在 AZ 1A 中与 1A 中的 redis 机器对话,而一些工人将在 AZ 1B 中与 1B 中的机器对话。我需要避免 1A 中的工作人员和 1B 中的工作人员都从不同的 redis 主机中提取相同的作业并尝试同时处理它的情况。


job_id = master1.BRPOPLPUSH "queue", "working"
m1lock = master1.SETNX "lock.#{job_id}"
m2lock = master2.SETNX "lock.#{job_id}"
completed = master1.ZSCORE "completed", job_id

if completed
  # must have been completed just now on other server, no-op
  master1.LREM "working", 0, job_id
  master1.del "lock.#{job_id}"
  master2.del "lock.#{job_id}"
elsif not m1lock or not m2lock
  # other server is working on it? We will put back at the end of our queue
  master1.LPUSH "queue", job_id
  master1.LREM "working", 0, job_id
  master1.del "lock.#{job_id}" if m1lock
  master2.del "lock.#{job_id}" if m2lock
  # have a lock, it's not complete, so do work

  now = Time.now.to_i
  master1.ZADD "completed", now, job_id
  master2.ZADD "completed", now, job_id

  master1.del "lock.#{job_id}"
  master2.del "lock.#{job_id}"

  master1.LREM "working", 0, job_id
  master2.LREM "queue", 0, job_id # not strictly necessary b/c of "completed"

2 回答 2



m1lock = master1.SETNX "lock.#{job_id}"
m2lock = master2.SETNX "lock.#{job_id}"

表示在您执行此操作时,另一名工人可以接手这项工作,并且两名工人将同时工作。我不认为 redis 非常适合您的模式,而且我不知道任何可以以这种方式工作的队列服务器,但话说回来,我不知道很多这样的服务器,所以我确定有。

如果你对你的工作进行负载平衡,以便一次只有一个 master 得到一份工作,这是可能的,但是你实际上有两个队列,而不是一个。

于 2012-05-31T07:55:23.453 回答

I'm curious... if you're already in the AWS environment, why wouldn't you choose instead to use Amazon's SQS service? I've worked with it in the past and realize it's a bit of a pain in the ass, but it's Amazon's most mature service and it's purpose built for this scenario.

于 2012-06-01T16:20:46.623 回答