I have a panel in a griffon view
panel(id: 'tabpanelWest', constraints: WEST, border: emptyBorder(6)) {
boxLayout(axis: BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)
button('Add', actionPerformed: controller.addToggleButton)
toggleButton(new JToggleButton('Secretaría',imageIcon('/onbutton.png'), true), itemStateChanged: controller.toggleRly)
toggleButton(new JToggleButton('Hall Entrada',imageIcon('/onbutton.png'), true), itemStateChanged: controller.toggleRly)
In my MyAppController.groovy I have the next closures:
def toggleRly = { evt ->
def toggleButton = evt.source
def status = toggleButton.isSelected() ? 1 : 0
// Calls to a service which does some stuff
URL url = status ? app.getResourceAsURL('onbutton.png') : app.getResourceAsURL('offbutton.png')
toggleButton.setIcon(new ImageIcon(url))
toggleButton.setSelected(status ? true : false)
def addToggleButton = { evt ->
execInsideUIAsync {
URL url = app.getResourceAsURL('onbutton.png')
def panel = view.tabpanelWest
def jtogglebutton = new JToggleButton('Secretaría',new ImageIcon(url), true)
I want to add dynamically toggle buttons to my panel when the user submits a form which is going to be part of the UI. In the above example i use a simple button.
The addToogleButton closure adds a JTogglebutton but I do not know how can i attach a listener such as the one of the view "itemStateChanged: controller.toggleRly)" so that when it is clicked my controller closure toggleRly is called.
I have tried unsuccessfully with
panel.add(new SwingBuilder().edt {toggleButton(jtogglebutton, itemStateChanged: view.controller.toggleRly)})