// head and last are pointers to the first and last items of a doubly-linked list
// current is a pointer that will change over time. It's used as a temporary pointer
template <class T>a
Node<T>* List<T>::get_closest(Node<T> node, int& difference) {
int curr_to_i = current->index - node->index;
int last_to_i = last->index - node->index;
Node* closest = node->index < abs(curr_to_i) ? head : current;
closest = closest->index < abs(last_to_i) ? closest : last;
difference = closest->index - node->index;
return closest;
* This functions adds a node with the given value to the given index. The node at that
* index and all the following are moved, and the new node is inserted before them.
template <class T>
bool List<T>::add(T value, int index) {
if (index < 0) { //Invalid index
return false;
} else if (index == last->index +1) {
return true;
} else if (index > 0) {
Node* new_n = new Node;
new_n->value = value;
new_n->index = index;
int difference;
Node* closest = get_closest(new_n, difference);
if (difference < 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < abs(difference); i++) {
current = current->previous;
} else if (difference > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < abs(difference); i++) {
current = current->next;
} /* current now points to the node we want to move */
new_n->previous = current->previous;
new_n->next = current;
current->previous->next = new_n;
current->previous = new_n;
if (index == 0) {
root = new_n;
new_n = new_n->next;
while (new_n != null) {
new_n = new_n->next;
return true;