Recently when I come across some slow queries, I have seen this "Using sort_union(sourceClass,destinationClass)" phrase in the EXPLAIN plan.

When I run the EXPLAIN with the same query with FORCE INDEX of each index separately, I saw it is doing almost the full table scan due to data distribution.

I understood that this is to improve the performance and this decision is taken by the query optimizer only.

In my query the keys and query are like this

sourceClass:      KEY (`sourceClass`,`sourceId`,`kind`)
destinationClass: KEY (`destinationClass`,`destinationId`,`kind`),

WHERE (sourceClass='channel' && sourceId=1016) ||  (destinationClass='channel' 
&& destinationId=1016) 

I would like to know at what when the optimizer comes to choose this and are there any disadvantages due to this kind of finding results ?


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于 2012-05-29T14:16:10.660 回答