有趣的问题:在这种特殊情况下,我同意 Luke 关于子类化 UIButton 的观点。这样,您可以在网格上为每个按钮提供一个 (X, Y),以及一个 (Xnext, Ynext) 列表,用于所有可能的预期下一次按下位置(如果按钮本身可用于制作多个单词)。在外部,您会将当前命中的值与预期值(Xnext、Ynext)进行比较。如果两者不匹配,这就是您正在寻找的信号。
这也解释了让我们说击中 D,然后是 O,然后尝试再次按下 D 而不是击中 G。它还负责击中不正确的 G。
创建一个新的 .m .h 文件对(一个新对象)并为其命名。
一些用于实现自定义 UIButton(h 文件)的示例代码:
@interface myConnectedUIButton : UIButton {
BOOL isAWordBeginCharacter;
unsigned int beginWordKey;
unsigned int myGridX;
unsigned int myGridY;
NSMutableArray * myConnectedSet;
-(void)initWithGridX:(unsigned int)X GridY:(unsigned int)Y BeginChar:(BOOL)yesNo BeginWordKey:(unsigned int)key;
-(void)setGridPosWithX:(unsigned int)X Y:(unsigned int)Y;
-(void)setGridX:(unsigned int)X;
-(void)setGridY:(unsigned int)Y;
-(unsigned int)getGridX;
-(unsigned int)getGridY;
-(void)addPosToConnectedSetGridX:(unsigned int)X GridY:(unsigned int)Y WordKey:(unsigned int)key;
-(NSArray *)getMyConnectedSetArray;
在您的 .m 文件中
@implementation myConnectedUIButton
[super init];
// Lets go ahead and initialize the NSMutableArray here also IFF it hasnt already been allocated
if( nil == myConnectedSet ){
myConnectedSet = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
// Lets also zero out the x, y position
myGridX = 0;
myGridY = 0;
// Lets also state that this is NOT a begin char for the time being and 0 for the begin char key
isAWordBeginCharacter = NO;
beginWordKey = 0;
return self;
-(void)initWithGridX:(unsigned int)X GridY:(unsigned int)Y BeginChar:(BOOL)yesNo BeginWordKey:(unsigned int)key{
// Lets go ahead and initialize the NSMutableArray here also IFF it hasnt already been allocated
if( nil == myConnectedSet ){
myConnectedSet = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
myGridX = X;
myGridY = Y;
isAWordBeginCharacter = yesNo;
beginWordKey = key;
-(void)setGridPosWithX:(unsigned int)X Y:(unsigned int)Y{
myGridX = X;
myGridY = Y;
-(void)setGridX:(unsigned int)X{
myGridX = X;
-(void)setGridY:(unsigned int)Y{
myGridY = Y;
-(unsigned int)getGridX{
return myGridX;
-(unsigned int)getGridY{
return myGridY;
isAWordBeginCharacter = yesNo;
return isAWordBeginCharacter;
-(void)addPosToConnectedSetGridX:(unsigned int)X GridY:(unsigned int)Y WordKey:(unsigned int)key{
[myConnectedSet addObject:[GridPointNext GridPointNextWithX:X GridPointY:Y NextWordKey:key]];
-(NSArray *)getMyConnectedSetArray{
return myConnectedSet;
[myConnectedSet removeAllObjects];
[myConnectedSet release];
[super dealloc];
@interface GridPointNext : NSObject {
unsigned int GridPointX;
unsigned int GridPointY;
unsigned int nextWordKey;
+(GridPointNext *)GridPointNextWithX:(unsigned int)X GridPointY:(unsigned int)Y NextWordKey:(unsigned int)key;
-(id)initWithX:(unsigned int)X GridPointY:(unsigned int)Y NextWordKey:(unsigned int)key;
-(unsigned int)getGridX;
-(unsigned int)getGridY;
-(unsigned int)getNextWordKey;
对象的 m 文件应如下所示:
@implementation GridPointNext
+(GridPointNext *)GridPointNextWithX:(unsigned int)X GridPointY:(unsigned int)Y NextWordKey:(unsigned int)key{
GridPointNext * aPoint = [[GridPointNext alloc] initWithX:X GridPointY:Y NextWordKey:key];
[aPoint autorelease];
return aPoint;
-(id)initWithX:(unsigned int)X GridPointY:(unsigned int)Y NextWordKey:(unsigned int)key{
GridPointX = X;
GridPointY = Y;
nextWordKey = key;
return self;
-(unsigned int)getGridX{
return GridPointX;
-(unsigned int)getGridY{
return GridPointY;
-(unsigned int)getNextWordKey{
return nextWordKey;
您将不得不处理 dealloc 部分。这至少为您提供了一些工具来创建自定义按钮和围绕它的单词列表算法。