// The plugin usage => "Rock and Roll"
function activate() {
// Check or we need to wait, when a user hovers the main element
if (hoverState === false) {
// And "Rock and Roll"
if (opt.nav === false) {
} else {
// The navigation is used
$(opt.navArea + ' a').click(function () {
if ($(this).attr('id') === opt.next) {
// Slide to the next slide
slide(opt.effect, 'right');
} else if ($(this).attr('id') === opt.prev) {
slide(opt.effect, 'left');
}, function () {
// Activate the plugin after the pause has ended
setTimeout(activate, opt.pause + opt.speed);
我的代码中有一些额外的选项,但是,我想要做的是(例如)3000 毫秒后调用函数激活以转到下一张幻灯片。但就像我之前说的,它会导致“超出最大调用堆栈大小”错误。opt.nav 的当前状态为 false。
// Slide the content
function slide( effect, dir ) {
// The direction
dir = typeof dir !== 'undefined' ? dir : 'right';
// Define the current slide
var currSlide = $('li.active');
// Define the next slide
var nextSlide;
if( dir === 'right' ) {
nextSlide = currSlide.index() + 1;
// Check or the next slide is avaiable
if( nextSlide > ( elListSize - 1) ) {
nextSlide = 0;
} else if( dir === 'left' ) {
nextSlide = currSlide.index() - 1;
// Check or next slide is avaiable
if( nextSlide === 0) {
nextSlide = elListSize - 1;
// The fade function
if( effect === 'fade' ) {
// Fade the current slide out
currSlide.fadeOut(opt.speed, function() {
// Remove the active class from the current slide
// Fade the next slide in an give it the class active
elListItem.eq(nextSlide).fadeIn(opt.speed, function() {
} // End of the slide function