我有一个 ints[] 列表,我一次列出一个。我发现了一个有趣的模式,结果似乎颠倒了,所以为了测试它,我颠倒了进入我的方法的列表,然后显示它们,发现它们匹配。我想以编程方式找到它们,但是当我将列表本身打印为字符串时,即使项目/订单匹配,结果也不匹配。
private static void show (int [] arr) {
//before we print results lets reverse the list and study if there's something we can do to make this go faster
int[] ReversedList = new int[arr.length];
for (int x = arr.length-1, y=0; x>=0;x--, y++) {
ReversedList[y] = arr[x];
for (int x = 0; x < arr.length; x++) {
//System.out.print (" " + (arr [x] + low[x]));
System.out.print (" " + (arr[x]));
System.out.println (" " + arr.toString());
for (int x = 0; x < ReversedList.length; x++) {
//System.out.print (" " + (arr [x] + low[x]));
System.out.print (" " + (ReversedList[x]));
System.out.println (" " + ReversedList.toString() + " ***");
0 0 0 20 [I@199a0c7c
20 0 0 0 [I@50a9ae05 ***
20 0 0 0 [I@1e9af0b1
0 0 0 20 [I@4e300429 ***
,它包含所有的 int[] 并且我尝试执行 results.indexof(reversed) 但没有运气(我得到的所有内容都是'-1')。我怎样才能找到匹配项?