I have 3 viewcontroller. FirsViewController, SecondViewController and ThirdViewController. The FirstviewController is root viewcontroller and it is adding secondviewcontrooler xib as the subview. like..
[firstviewcontrollerObject.view addsubview:secondViewcontrollerObj.view].
In secondViewcontroller I have one button. When button touch action is called, ThirdViewController is loaded. like..
[SecondViewControllerobj.view addsubview:thirdviewcontrollerobj.view];
Now ThirdViewCOntroller is on the screen. This viewcontroller has nothing only a small button. So I am seeing 2 buttons on screen. First button is of SecondviewCOntroller and second button is of ThirdViewCOntroller. But, I am able to give touch action of 3rdviewcontroller only not 2ndviewcontroller button.
How should I design my view to take touch of both button and I don't want to merge both controller i one.