也许使用 32feet.NET 库(我是它的维护者)并在提交作业之前检查打印机是否存在。您需要知道打印机的蓝牙地址;可以从系统中得到它,或者也许你总是知道它。
bool IsPresent(BluetoothAddress addr) // address from config somehow
BluetoothDeviceInfo bdi = new BluetoothDeviceInfo(addr);
if (bdi.Connected) {
return true;
Guid arbitraryClass = BluetoothService.Headset;
AsyncResult<bool> ourAr = new AsyncResult<bool>(); // Jeffrey Richter's impl
IAsyncResult ar = bdi.BeginGetService(arbitraryClass, IsPresent_GsrCallback, ourAr);
bool signalled = ourAr.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(Timeout);
if (!signalled) {
return false; // Taken too long, so not in range
} else {
return ourAr.Result;
void IsPresent_GsrCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
AsyncResult<bool> ourAr = (AsyncResult<bool>)ar.AsyncState;
const bool IsInRange = true;
const bool completedSyncFalse = true;
try {
ourAr.SetAsCompleted(IsInRange, completedSyncFalse);
} catch {
// If this returns quickly, then it is in range and
// if slowly then out of range but caller will have
// moved on by then... So set true in both cases...
// TODO check what error codes we get here. SocketException(10108) iirc
ourAr.SetAsCompleted(IsInrange, completedSyncFalse);