When logging in via Google (through Asana Connect from iOS App) the following error gets presented in the browser window: 'invalid_request: The required parameter 'redirect_uri' is missing.'

Logging in via username and password works absolutely fine.

Is that an issue at my end or within the Asana Connect API ?

Any idea how to fix this issue ?

A very interesting thing though ... when going back to the app and logging in again, the authentication happens successfully without asking for user credentials, returning to the app with valid accessToken & refreshToken.


1 回答 1


我也GTMOAuth用于mac。发生此错误是因为在普通网络浏览器中,当我们单击使用 google 帐户登录时,会打开一个新的浏览器窗口以获取凭据。使用GTMOAuth它只嵌入一个 webview,因此它无法显示一个新的浏览器窗口以供使用 google 凭据。

于 2014-02-24T05:05:56.943 回答