<script type="text/javascript">
function validateForm() {
//* Validate Date Field script- By JavaScriptKit.com
//* For this script and 100s more, visit http://www.javascriptkit.com
//* This notice must stay intact for usage
function checkDate(){
var input=document.forms[0].eventdate;
var validformat=/^\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4}$/; //Basic check for format validity
if (!validformat.test(input.value)) {
alert("Invalid Day, Month, or Year range detected. Proper format is MM/DD/YYYY, please correct and submit again.")
return false;
} else{ //Detailed check for valid date ranges
var monthfield=input.value.split("/")[0];
var dayfield=input.value.split("/")[1];
var yearfield=input.value.split("/")[2];
var dayobj = new Date(yearfield, monthfield-1, dayfield);
if ((dayobj.getMonth()+1!=monthfield)||(dayobj.getDate()!=dayfield)||(dayobj.getFullYear()!=yearfield)) {
alert("Invalid Day, Month, or Year range detected. Proper format is MM/DD/YYYY, please correct and submit again.")
return false;
} else return true;
function checkRemainingFields() {
var theme=document.forms[0].theme;
var text=document.forms[0].text;
var name=document.forms[0].contactperson;
if (theme.value.length==0) {
alert("Invalid theme value. Please correct the theme field to continue.");
return false;
} else if (text.value.length==0) {
alert("Invalid description value. Please correct the desciption field to continue.");
return false;
} else if (name.value.length==0) {
alert("Invalid name value. Please correct the name field to continue.");
return false;
} else return true;
function checkPhone() {
var input=document.forms[0].contactphone;
var validformat=/^\(?([0-9]{3})\)?[-. ]?([0-9]{3})[-. ]?([0-9]{4})$/;
var ext=document.forms[0].extension;
if (!validformat.test(input.value)) {
alert("Invalid phone number detected. The proper format is 555-555-5555. Please correct and submit again.");
return false;
} else if (ext.value.length != 3){ //Check extension
alert("Invalid extension. Please type your 3 digit extension.");
return false;
} else return true;
validateForm() 是在页面稍后的表单中通过 onsubmit 调用的。我不确定我是否正确地编写了调用。提交表单时,它会通过所有检查并显示每个检查的警报,但页面继续到 php 处理页面。我需要一点帮助。