I'm using SVN for source control which is hosted by a repository hosting company. I'm considering migrating this to Git and testing the waters of migration by trying to migrate to a local Git instance. I've installed Git Extensions v2.31 and installed the msysgit version that I was offered during the installation.

Once installed, I then clicked on the 'Clone SVN repository' option and entered in the SVN repo location and other necessary details. Clicked on the Clone button. I was then presented with the following message in the Process output window (I've desensitised some info):

c:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\git.exe svn clone "https://foobar.domain.com/folder/name.svn" "c:/git/"
Initialized empty Git repository in c:/git/.git/
Error validating server certificate for 'https://foobar.domain.com:443':
 - The certificate is not issued by a trusted authority. Use the
   fingerprint to validate the certificate manually!
Certificate information:
 - Hostname: *.domain.com
 - Valid: from Mar 18 13:23:06 2012 GMT until Apr 20 16:16:05 2013 GMT
 - Issuer: GeoTrust, Inc., US
 - Fingerprint: a2:36:f0:ae:8c:c7:a3:f2:be:98:b3:0f:2e:f8:3a:07:9a:94:90:81

At this point nothing else gets displayed, the progress bar is still indicating progress but nothing really happens. The issue seems similar to what is reported here: Git and SVN on Windows

However, I do not even get the option to reject/accept etc? Anyone got any ideas?



4 回答 4


你仍然可以使用 Git 扩展来做到这一点。从 Git Extensions 中打开 Git Bash 并运行您在使用 GUI 时看到的命令:git svn clone "https://foobar.domain.com/folder/name.svn" "c:/git/"这将为您提供您在链接到的其他 SO 问题中看到的临时/永久拒绝/接受选项。

如果您已经尝试过“克隆 SVN 存储库”选项并且从未看到描述的成功,那么您的本地存储库实际上已经设置好了,只是还没有填充任何文件。在这种情况下,您不再需要进行克隆,只需进行一次提取即可。在您尝试克隆的项目上运行git svn fetch也会为您提供拒绝/接受/等选项。

于 2012-09-26T19:22:23.653 回答

我建议您尝试使用SmartGit进行克隆。它是否基于另一个引擎,而不是 git-svn 甚至 SVN,所以我认为你不会遇到这个问题。还有一些更喜欢 SmartGit 的理由:它将诸如分支、标签、忽略、EOL 之类的 SVN 概念转换为相应的 Git 概念,而 git-svn 则没有。

于 2012-05-17T16:51:23.217 回答

如果您不介意使用终端并更好地了解 git 的工作原理,我建议您使用git bash。否则,您应该使用syntevo 的SmartGit,因为它还提供不同的引擎和密钥管理,而且 IMPO,它是 Windows 中最好的 GUI 工具。

于 2014-03-07T14:12:25.227 回答

Have a look at SmartGit. Its SVN integration supports more features than git-svn and it's built upon a different SVN client library which usually handles the various authentication scenarios quite well.

于 2012-05-17T16:53:10.620 回答