In WinForms whole licensing schema in .NET is revolved around LicenseManager and LicenseProvider as mentioned quite nicely in this article.

I have simple test form in WinForm (dropped licensed DevExpress's ButtonEdit in there) using below code I can see that it is getting license info fine:

var license = LicenseManager.Validate(typeof(ButtonEdit), this);

I can also see that it has auto generated licenses.licx file and added to my project.

So, I have tried to the same by dropping DevExpress/Telerik WPF controls into my sample WPF Window and I can see that licenses.licx file is NOT auto generated.

So If I try to run the same line in the WPF, license is returning null. That means that it is not using whole LicenseManager architecture in WPF.

What is it using then to check license for 3rd party component?

Looks like someone reported a bug in VS 2010 in regards to this, but I am using VS2010.


2 回答 2


WPF 也使用相同的机制。您只需要将LicenseProvider属性应用于您的类。

由于某些其他原因,您的项目中可能不会生成 licx 文件。

于 2012-05-18T08:08:53.587 回答

刚刚发现我用于测试的第 3 方控件之一 (Telerik)无需许可证密钥即可工作(滚动到“您如何获得开发人员许可证的许可?”部分)。

检查 DevExpress 并向 Telerik 提出了支持票,他们已经确认他们没有将 licx 用于 WPF 控件。

于 2012-05-22T11:08:25.613 回答