这个问题与 KenKen 拉丁方谜题的那些部分有关,这些部分要求您找到 ncells 数字的所有可能组合,其值为 x 使得 1 <= x <= maxval 和 x(1) + ... + x(ncells) =目标总和。在测试了几个更有希望的答案之后,我将把答案奖授予 Lennart Regebro,因为:

  1. 他的例行程序和我的一样快(+-5%),并且

  2. 他指出我原来的例程在某个地方有一个错误,这让我看到了它真正想要做什么。谢谢,伦纳特。

chrispy 贡献了一个似乎与 Lennart 相当的算法,但 5 小时后,sooo,第一个得到它。

备注:Alex Martelli 的基本递归算法是一个示例,它制作了所有可能的组合并将它们全部扔到筛子上,看看哪个穿过了孔。这种方法比 Lennart 或我的方法花费的时间要长 20 倍以上。(将输入提升到 max_val = 100,n_cells = 5,target_sum = 250,在我的盒子上是 18 秒 vs. 8+ 分钟。) 道德:不生成所有可能的组合是好的。

另一句话:Lennart 和我的例程以相同的顺序生成相同的答案。它们实际上是从不同角度看到的相同算法吗?我不知道。

我发生了什么事。如果您对答案进行排序,例如,以 (8,8,2,1,1) 开头并以 (4,4,4,4,4) 结尾(max_val=8, n_cells=5, target_sum =20),该系列形成一种“最慢下降”,第一个是“热”,最后一个是“冷”,中间有尽可能多的阶段。这与“信息熵”有关吗?观察它的正确指标是什么?是否有一种算法可以按热量的降序(或升序)产生组合?(据我所见,这个没有,尽管它在很短的时间内很接近,看着标准化的标准开发。)

这是 Python 例程:

#!/usr/bin/env python
#filename: makeAddCombos.07.py -- stripped for StackOverflow

def initialize_combo( max_val, n_cells, target_sum):
    """returns combo
    Starting from left, fills combo to max_val or an intermediate value from 1 up.  
    E.g.:  Given max_val = 5, n_cells=4, target_sum = 11, creates [5,4,1,1].
    combo = []
    #Put 1 in each cell.
    combo += [1] * n_cells
    need = target_sum - sum(combo)
    #Fill as many cells as possible to max_val.
    n_full_cells = need //(max_val - 1)
    top_up = max_val - 1
    for i in range( n_full_cells): combo[i] += top_up
    need = target_sum - sum(combo)
    # Then add the rest to next item.
    if need > 0:
        combo[n_full_cells] += need
    return combo
#def initialize_combo()

def scrunch_left( combo):
    """returns (new_combo,done)
    done   Boolean; if True, ignore new_combo, all done;
            if Falso, new_combo is valid.

    Starts a new combo list.  Scanning from right to left, looks for first
    element at least 2 greater than right-end element.  
    If one is found, decrements it, then scrunches all available counts on its
    right up against its right-hand side.  Returns the modified combo.
    If none found, (that is, either no step or single step of 1), process
    new_combo = []
    right_end = combo[-1]
    length = len(combo)
    c_range = range(length-1, -1, -1)
    found_step_gt_1 = False
    for index in c_range:
        value = combo[index]
        if (value - right_end) > 1:
            found_step_gt_1 = True
    if not found_step_gt_1:
        return ( new_combo,True)

    if index > 0:
        new_combo += combo[:index]
    ceil = combo[index] - 1
    new_combo += [ceil]
    new_combo += [1] * ((length - 1) - index)
    need = sum(combo[index:]) - sum(new_combo[index:])
    fill_height = ceil - 1
    ndivf = need // fill_height
    nmodf = need % fill_height
    if ndivf > 0:
        for j in range(index + 1, index + ndivf + 1):
            new_combo[j] += fill_height
    if nmodf > 0:
        new_combo[index + ndivf + 1] += nmodf
    return (new_combo, False)
#def scrunch_left()

def make_combos_n_cells_ge_two( combos, max_val, n_cells, target_sum):
    Build combos, list of tuples of 2 or more addends.
    combo = initialize_combo( max_val, n_cells, target_sum)
    combos.append( tuple( combo))
    while True:
        (combo, done) = scrunch_left( combo)
        if done:
            combos.append( tuple( combo))
    return combos
#def make_combos_n_cells_ge_two()

if __name__ == '__main__':

    combos = []
    max_val     = 8
    n_cells     = 5
    target_sum  = 20
    if n_cells == 1: combos.append( (target_sum,))
        combos = make_combos_n_cells_ge_two( combos, max_val, n_cells, target_sum)
    import pprint
    pprint.pprint( combos)

9 回答 9


乍一看,您的算法似乎相当不错,而且我认为 OO 或其他语言不会改进代码。我不能说递归是否会有所帮助,但我很欣赏非递归方法。我敢打赌,它更难开始工作,也更难阅读,但它可能更有效,而且绝对非常聪明。老实说,我没有详细分析算法,但它确实看起来需要很长时间才能正常工作。我敢打赌,您必须仔细考虑很多错误和奇怪的边缘情况,是吗?

考虑到这一切,基本上我所做的就是尽可能地完善你的代码,用更惯用的 Python 主义替换众多的 C 主义。很多时候,在 C 语言中需要循环的事情可以在 Python 中用一行来完成。此外,我尝试重命名以更好地遵循 Python 命名约定,并稍微清理了注释。希望我的任何更改都不会冒犯您。你可以拿走你想要的,留下剩下的。:-)


  • 将初始化tmp为一堆 1 的代码更改为更惯用的tmp = [1] * n_cells.
  • 改变for循环总结tmp_sum为惯用sum(tmp)的。
  • 然后用单线替换所有循环tmp = <list> + <list>
  • 移动raise doneExceptioninit_tmp_new_ceiling摆脱了succeeded旗帜。
  • 签入init_tmp_new_ceiling实际上似乎没有必要。删除它,只剩下raises 了make_combos_n_cells,所以我只是将它们更改为常规返回并doneException完全删除。
  • 用于缩进的 4 个空格和 8 个空格的标准化组合。
  • 删除了if条件周围不必要的括号。
  • tmp[p2] - tmp[p1] == 0和 是一样的tmp[p2] == tmp[p1]
  • 改为。while True: if new_ceiling_flag: break_while not new_ceiling_flag
  • 您不需要在函数顶部将变量初始化为 0。
  • 删除combos列表并将函数更改yield为其生成的元组。
  • 重命名tmpcombo.
  • 重命名new_ceiling_flagceiling_changed.


def initial_combo(ceiling=5, target_sum=13, num_cells=4):
    Returns a list of possible addends, probably to be modified further.
    Starts a new combo list, then, starting from left, fills items to ceiling
    or intermediate between 1 and ceiling or just 1.  E.g.:
    Given ceiling = 5, target_sum = 13, num_cells = 4: creates [5,5,2,1].
    num_full_cells = (target_sum - num_cells) // (ceiling - 1)

    combo = [ceiling] * num_full_cells \
          + [1]       * (num_cells - num_full_cells)

    if num_cells > num_full_cells:
        combo[num_full_cells] += target_sum - sum(combo)

    return combo

def all_combos(ceiling, target_sum, num_cells):
    # p0   points at the rightmost item and moves left under some conditions
    # p1   starts out at rightmost items and steps left
    # p2   starts out immediately to the left of p1 and steps left as p1 does
    #      So, combo[p2] and combo[p1] always point at a pair of adjacent items.
    # d    combo[p2] - combo[p1]; immediate difference
    # cd   combo[p2] - combo[p0]; cumulative difference

    # The ceiling decreases by 1 each iteration.
    while True:
        combo = initial_combo(ceiling, target_sum, num_cells)
        yield tuple(combo)

        ceiling_changed = False

        # Generate all of the remaining combos with this ceiling.
        while not ceiling_changed:
            p2, p1, p0 = -2, -1, -1

            while combo[p2] == combo[p1] and abs(p2) <= num_cells:
                # 3,3,3,3
                if abs(p2) == num_cells:

                p2 -= 1
                p1 -= 1
                p0 -= 1

            cd = 0

            # slide_ptrs_left loop
            while abs(p2) <= num_cells:
                d   = combo[p2] - combo[p1]
                cd += d

                # 5,5,3,3 or 5,5,4,3
                if cd > 1:
                    if abs(p2) < num_cells:
                        # 5,5,3,3 --> 5,4,4,3
                        if d > 1:
                            combo[p2] -= 1
                            combo[p1] += 1
                        # d == 1; 5,5,4,3 --> 5,4,4,4
                            combo[p2] -= 1
                            combo[p0] += 1

                        yield tuple(combo)

                    # abs(p2) == num_cells; 5,4,4,3
                        ceiling -= 1
                        ceiling_changed = True

                    # Resume at make_combo_same_ceiling while
                    # and follow branch.

                # 4,3,3,3 or 4,4,3,3
                elif cd == 1:
                    if abs(p2) == num_cells:

                    p1 -= 1
                    p2 -= 1

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print list(all_combos(ceiling=6, target_sum=12, num_cells=4))
于 2009-06-30T04:34:45.397 回答

这是我能想到的最简单的递归解决方案,“找到所有可能的 n 数字与值 x 的组合,使得 1 <= x <= max_val 和 x(1) + ... + x(n) = target”。我正在从头开始开发它。这是一个根本没有任何优化的版本,只是为了简单起见:

def apcnx(n, max_val, target, xsofar=(), sumsofar=0):
  if n==0:
    if sumsofar==target:
      yield xsofar

  if xsofar:
    minx = xsofar[-1] - 1
    minx = 0

  for x in xrange(minx, max_val):
    for xposs in apcnx(n-1, max_val, target, xsofar + (x+1,), sumsofar+x+1):
      yield xposs

for xs in apcnx(4, 6, 12):
  print xs





(1, 1, 4, 6)
(1, 1, 5, 5)
(1, 2, 3, 6)
(1, 2, 4, 5)
(1, 3, 3, 5)
(1, 3, 4, 4)
(2, 2, 2, 6)
(2, 2, 3, 5)
(2, 2, 4, 4)
(2, 3, 3, 4)
(3, 3, 3, 3)




我与 Kent Beck 通信,正确地将这句话归于“Python in a Nutshell”中,他告诉我他是从他父亲那里得到的,他的工作实际上与编程无关;-)。

在这种情况下,在我看来,关键问题是了解发生了什么,任何优化都可能会干扰,所以我全力以赴“简单易懂”;如果需要,我们可以在 OP 确认他们可以理解这个纯粹的、未优化的版本中发生的事情后优化它!

于 2009-06-30T04:58:43.767 回答



from __future__ import division
from math import ceil

def make_combos(max_val,target_sum,n_cells):
    combos = []
    # The highest possible value of the next cell is whatever is 
    # largest of the max_val, or the target_sum minus the number 
    # of remaining cells (as you can't enter 0).
    highest = min(max_val, target_sum - n_cells + 1)
    # The lowest is the lowest number you can have that will add upp to 
    # target_sum if you multiply it with n_cells.
    lowest = int(ceil(target_sum/n_cells))
    for x in range(highest, lowest-1, -1):
        if n_cells == 1: # This is the last cell, no more recursion.
        # Recurse to get the next cell:
        # Set the max to x (or we'll get duplicates like
        # (6,3,2,1) and (6,2,3,1), which is pointless.
        # Reduce the target_sum with x to keep the sum correct.
        # Reduce the number of cells with 1.
        for combo in make_combos(x, target_sum-x, n_cells-1):
    return combos

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import pprint
    # And by using pprint the output gets easier to read
    pprint.pprint(make_combos( 6,12,4))

我还注意到您的解决方案似乎仍然存在问题。例如,对于max_val=8, target_sum=20 and n_cells=5您的代码找不到解决方案的值(8,6,4,1,1,)。我不确定这是否意味着我错过了这个规则,但据我所知,这些规则应该是一个有效的选项。


from __future__ import division
from math import ceil

def make_combos(max_val,target_sum,n_cells):
    highest = min(max_val, target_sum - n_cells + 1)
    lowest = int(ceil(target_sum/n_cells))
    for x in xrange(highest, lowest-1, -1):
        if n_cells == 1:
            yield (x,)
        for combo in make_combos(x, target_sum-x, n_cells-1):
            yield (x,)+combo

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import pprint
    pprint.pprint(list(make_combos( 6,12,4)))
于 2009-06-30T05:37:53.983 回答



更具体一点,您有这三个参数,max_val、target_sum 和 n_cells。您能否将其中一个数字设置为某个特定值,以便给您一个完全不需要思考的极其简单的问题?一旦你有了这个,你能把问题的稍微难一点的版本减少到已经解决的问题吗?

编辑:这是我的代码。我不喜欢它进行重复数据删除的方式。我确信有一种更 Pythonic 的方式。此外,它不允许在一个组合中两次使用相同的数字。要撤消此行为,只需取出行if n not in numlist:。我不确定这是否完全正确,但它似乎有效并且(恕我直言)更具可读性。您可以轻松添加记忆,这可能会加快速度。

def get_combos(max_val, target, n_cells):
    if target <= 0:
        return []
    if n_cells is 1:
        if target > max_val:
            return []
            return [[target]]
        combos = []
        for n in range(1, max_val+1, 1):
            for numlist in get_combos(max_val, target-n, n_cells-1):
                if n not in numlist:
                    combos.append(numlist + [n])
        return combos

def deduplicate(combos):
    for numlist in combos:
    answer = [tuple(numlist) for numlist in combos]
    return set(answer)

def kenken(max_val, target, n_cells):
    return deduplicate(get_combos(max_val, target, n_cells))
于 2009-06-30T04:32:51.030 回答

首先,我自己正在学习 Python,所以这个解决方案不会很好,但这只是解决这个问题的尝试。我试图以递归方式解决它,我认为递归解决方案将是此类问题的理想选择,尽管递归解决方案可能不是这个:

def GetFactors(maxVal, noOfCells, targetSum):
    l = []
    while(maxVal != 0):
        remCells = noOfCells - 1
        if(remCells > 2):
            retList = GetFactors(maxVal, remCells, targetSum - maxVal)
            #Append the returned List to the original List
            #But first, add the maxVal to the start of every elem of returned list.
            for i in retList:
                i.insert(0, maxVal)

            remTotal = targetSum - maxVal
            for i in range(1, remTotal/2 + 1):
                itemToInsert = remTotal - i;
                if (i > maxVal or itemToInsert > maxVal):
                l.append([maxVal, i, remTotal - i])
        maxVal -= 1
    return l

if __name__ == "__main__":
    l = GetFactors(5, 5, 15)
    print l
于 2009-06-30T06:31:16.770 回答

这是 C/C++ 中的一个简单解决方案:

const int max = 6;
int sol[N_CELLS];

void enum_solutions(int target, int n, int min) {
  if (target == 0 && n == 0)
    report_solution(); /* sol[0]..sol[N_CELLS-1] is a solution */
  if (target <= 0 || n == 0) return; /* nothing further to explore */
  sol[n - 1] = min; /* remember */
  for (int i = min; i <= max; i++)
    enum_solutions(target - i, n - 1, i);

enum_solutions(12, 4, 1);
于 2009-06-30T07:10:49.753 回答


def descending(v):
  """Decide if a square contains values in descending order"""
  return list(reversed(v)) == sorted(v)

def latinSquares(max_val, target_sum, n_cells):
  """Return all descending n_cells-dimensional squares,
     no cell larger than max_val, sum equal to target_sum."""
  possibilities = itertools.product(range(1,max_val+1),repeat=n_cells)
  for square in possibilities:
    if descending(square) and sum(square) == target_sum:
      yield square

我本可以通过直接枚举降序网格列表来优化此代码,但我发现 itertools.product 对于首次通过的解决方案来说更加清晰。最后,调用函数:

for m in latinSquares(6, 12, 4):
  print m
于 2009-06-30T09:58:23.677 回答


def latinSquares(max_val, target_sum, n_cells):
  if n_cells == 1:
    assert(max_val >= target_sum >= 1)
    return ((target_sum,),)
    lower_bound = max(-(-target_sum / n_cells), 1)
    upper_bound = min(max_val, target_sum - n_cells + 1)
    assert(lower_bound <= upper_bound)
    return ((v,) + w for v in xrange(upper_bound, lower_bound - 1, -1)
                     for w in latinSquares(v, target_sum - v, n_cells - 1))

如果您提供无法满足的参数,此代码将失败并返回 AssertionError;这是我的“正确性标准”的副作用,我们从不进行不必要的递归。如果您不想要这种副作用,请删除断言。

注意除法后使用 -(-x/y) 进行四舍五入。可能有一种更 Pythonic 的方式来编写它。另请注意,我使用的是生成器表达式而不是 yield。

for m in latinSquares(6,12,4):
  print m
于 2009-06-30T10:23:57.523 回答

有点离题,但仍然可能有助于编程 kenken。

使用 DLX 算法解决杀手数独问题我得到了很好的结果(与 KenKen 非常相似,它有笼子,但只有总和)。大多数问题只用了不到一秒,并且是用 MATLAB 语言实现的。

参考这个论坛 http://www.setbb.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=1274&highlight=&mforum=sudoku


于 2009-06-30T13:03:02.180 回答