请帮助我插入方法。我想在双向链表中插入一个值大于该 int 的 int。然后新的 int 将替换双向链表中更大的值(我得到了很好的工作)。但现在我希望更大的 int 出现在列表中并在适当的地方插入。

如果我说 insert 2 4 6 8 ,它会起作用(结果:2 4 6 8)如果我然后插入 1(小于 2)

结果将是 1 4 6 8 2

问题是,当我插入让我们说 7(大于 6,但小于 8)时,我不知道如何向下行并在适当的地方插入。

enter code here

public void insert(int newInt) { Cell newCell = new Cell (newInt);

  if (this.size() == 0){
      smallest = newCell;

  for (Cell i = smallest; i != null; i = i.right){

      // if newCell is the larger than all in row, then add it to the end. 
      if (newCell.value > i.value && i.right == null){
          i.right = newCell; 

      // if newCell is smaller than smallest, then add it to smallest and old smallest will go down the list (compare and put it where appropriate). 
      if (newCell.value < smallest.value){
          newCell.below = smallest; 
          newCell.right = smallest.right; 
          smallest.right = null; 
          smallest = newCell; 


      // if newCell is smallest than any element, then replace that cell with newCell, and send that cell to below row
      // do again untill all below rows are sorted. hence this could be a while loop. 
      if (newCell.value > i.value && newCell.value < i.right.value){
          System.out.println("newCell is " + newCell);
          Cell largerRight = i.right; 
          newCell.right = largerRight.right;
          largerRight.right = null; 
          i.right = newCell; 

          temp = smallest.below; 

          while (temp != null){

              for (Cell k = temp; k != null; k = k.right){

                  if (largerRight.value > temp.value && temp.right == null){
                      temp.right = largerRight;
                      temp = null; 


              temp =temp.below; 



}//end insert

1 回答 1





if first == NULL:
    newNode->next = NULL  # one element pointing nowhere.
    newNode->prev = NULL
    first = newNode       # first and last are that element.
    last = newNode


insertPoint = first                              # scan list until end.
while insertPoint != NULL:
    if insertPoint->payload > newNode->payload:  # stop if found one greater.
    insertPoint = insertPoint->next              # move to next.


  1. insertPoint是第一个节点,这意味着您必须在前面插入;
  2. insertPointis NULL,这意味着您必须附加到列表中;或者
  3. insertPoint是第一个以外的有效节点。

首先,处理两种特殊情况。这些被认为是特殊的,因为它们更改了列表 (firstlast) 的控制信息,而不仅仅是节点本身内的指针:

if insertPoint == first:      # inserting at front.
    newNode->next = first     # new node points forwards to current first
    newNode->prev = NULL      #   and backwards to nowhere.
    first = newNode           # and update first.

if insertPoint = NULL:        # appending to end.
    newNode->next = NULL      # new node points forwards to nowhere
    newNode->prev = last      #   and backwards to current last.
    last = newNode            # and update last.


newNode->next = insertPoint        # set new node to point to correct nodes.
newNode->prev = insertPoint->prev
insertPoint->prev->next = newNode  # update those nodes to point to new node.
insertPoint->prev = newNode
于 2012-05-15T02:21:40.440 回答