i like to know if there's a way to use 2 directories output in delphi 7, to create the compiled project in 2 diferent folders Like : c:\test ; c:\testx
i already tried the semicolon and didn't work.
Thank you!
没有办法让编译器或 IDE 将可执行文件输出到多个目录。您必须自己将其复制为后期构建操作。您必须自己编写脚本,因为 Delphi 7 没有内置构建后操作。
创建 2 个使用 dcc32.exe 的脚本/批处理文件
cd "\program files\borland\bds\4.0\bin\"
dcc32.exe c:\work\project -ec:\temp -uc:\work\extra
rem project is the name of your project
rem note you can pass parameters to your script using %1 %2 etc etc upto 9 and use them
rem -e is where you want the output
rem -i Include directories
rem -u is your search path to your libraries