We need to use a Sybase Ultralite database in our Mono for Android app (it's a port of an existing application, synchronising with a Sybase server database).

I'm not aware of an existing Mono binding, so I'm setting off on the task of creating a binding library using the new project type in 4.2.

So... I've added UltraliteJNI12.jar, set its build action to InputJar, and clicked 'build'.

I get an error: Com.Ianywhere.Ultralitejni12.Implementation.JniDbMgr' already defines a member called 'Release' with the same parameter types

and yes, when I look at the generated source, there are two identical Release members declared.

Is there a way of working round this? I've read the tutorial and can't see anything there which points to a solution.

Thanks, and apologies for what may be a stupid question - I'm just starting out on this!



1 回答 1


答案(由 Jonathan Pryor 在 Mono for Android 列表中提供)是通过将以下内容添加到metadata.xml来重命名发布实例之一:

  path="/api/package[@name='com.ianywhere.ultralitejni12.implementation']/class  [@name='JniDbMgr']/method[@name='release']"
于 2012-05-16T06:57:45.917 回答