我有一个装有 100 个土豆的袋子。我需要将土豆分成 N 个桶。在每个桶中,我必须有 15 到 60 个土豆。



最小桶数:100/60 = 1 (40) => 向上取整 => 2
最大桶数:100/15 = 6 (10) => 向下取整 => 6

因此,您可以拥有最少 2 个和最多 6 个存储桶。现在我们选择一个随机数(因为我只需要一个解决方案,而不是全部)。

让我们选 3个。
每桶土豆:100/3 = 33 (1)

现在这是棘手的部分。虽然这是对原始问题的解决方案,但它对我不起作用,因为我需要数字比这更随机。在问题中,条件是 15-60,但在这里我们只得到 33-34,这对于我需要的来说太统一了。

这里的解决方案之一可能是开始从每个桶中添加和减去数字。可能要进行 10 次左右的迭代,但我认为必须有更好的方法来做到这一点。



5 回答 5


首先,分配所需的最少数量。在您的示例中,将 15 个放入每个存储桶中。如果您有 3 个桶,您将平均将 45 放入 3。剩余(R):55。每个桶(C1,C2,C3)的剩余容量:45。

选择一个数字 k(参见关于如何选择 k 的脚注)。如果它大于 R,则将其设置为 R (k=min(k,R) )。随机挑选一个桶。如果 Ci 小于,则 k 将 k 设置为 Ci ( k=min(k,Ci) )。现在将 k 个土豆放入桶 i。更新 R 和 Ci (R=Rk, Ci=Ci-k)。重复此操作,直到所有土豆都吃完(R=0)。

脚注:选择 k

您可以设置 k=1 或从任何适当的分布中选择 k(例如:从 1 到 10 随机选择 k )。


import random
def distPotato(R, N, minP, maxP):
    C = [maxP-minP for i in range(N)]
    V = [minP for i in range(N)]
        k = random.choice(range(10)) + 1
        i = random.choice(range(N))
        k = min(k,R)
        k = min(k, C[i])
    return V

于 2012-05-12T07:29:58.403 回答

我想象在肉店里有一段牛肉,屠夫被要求在尽可能短的时间内把它切成 N 块随机大小。

他的第一个动作可能是随意敲击肉,确保在他进行 N-1 次切割之前,不要将其切得太靠近他之前的切片或边缘。



initiate a list of chosen potatoes to empty
while you have chosen less than N-1 potatos
    pick a potato
    if the potato is less than 15 potatoes away from a side
    if the potato is less than 15 potatoes away from a chosen potato
    add this potato to the chosen list
sort the chosen list
split the line of potatoes using the chosen potatoes as delimeters
于 2012-05-12T07:30:39.313 回答

我建议只是在桶中随机装满 15 到 60 个土豆,直到剩下的土豆少于 15 个。然后拿起你装满的最后一个桶,试着把剩下的土豆放进那个桶里。如果低于60,那就太好了!如果超过 60,则将桶分成两半。

所以假设你这样做了几次,你最终得到了 74 个土豆。你现在用一个随机数的土豆装满一个桶。假设它是 60 个。您现在还剩下 14 个土豆,对于另一个桶来说太少了,但对于您的最后一个桶来说太多了。很简单,倒出前一个桶(74 个土豆,再次),然后做两个桶,每个桶 37 个。

问题是你的最后两个桶不会像其他桶一样随机(或者至少不是“随机”,如果你愿意的话),但是因为你不能在一个桶里放少于 14 个土豆,所以你什么都没有可以做的。

于 2012-05-12T07:42:53.890 回答

首先,请注意,您可以稍微简化您的问题。而不是“每个桶需要包含 15 到 60 个土豆并且桶中的总数应该是 100”,您可以重述为“我需要 0 到 45 (60 - 15) 之间的 n 个数字,这样这些数字的总和为 100 - NX 15"。换句话说,用 15 个土豆填满你所有的桶,现在你正试图决定如何使用剩余的土豆来填满桶中剩余的空间。

假设你有 n 个桶要装,还有 p 个土豆。生成一个介于 0 到 45 之间的随机数 r,你现在剩下 p - r 个土豆。你现在能填满剩下的 (n-1) 个桶吗?

  • 如果 (p - r) < 0,你显然不能填满剩余的桶,因为你分配的比你拥有的多,
  • 如果 (p - r) > 45 * (n - 1),这是不可行的:你剩下的土豆太多了,你的马铃薯容量必须超过你的桶容量。
  • 否则,您知道如果您将 r 个土豆放入当前存储桶中,您仍然可以为下一个存储桶找到解决方案。


下面是一个非常粗略的 F# 实现,显然可以对其进行改进/优化,但说明了算法的要点。allocation 是一个 int 列表,其中包含已分配给存储桶的数量,qty 是剩余要分配的土豆数量,buckets 是剩余存储桶的数量,min,max 是存储桶的容量。例如,有 100 个土豆和 3 个桶,您可以调用 solve 100 3 15 60。



let rng = new System.Random() 

let rec allocate allocation qty buckets min max =
      match buckets with
      | 0 -> allocation
      | 1 -> qty :: allocation
      | _ ->
         let candidate = rng.Next(min, max + 1) // try a number in [min,max]
         let rest = qty - candidate
         if rest < (buckets - 1) * min // not enough left
         then allocate allocation qty buckets min max // try again
         else if rest > (buckets - 1) * max // too much left
         then allocate allocation qty buckets min max // try again
         else allocate (candidate :: allocation) rest (buckets - 1) min max

let solve qty buckets min max =
   if min * buckets > qty then failwith "unfeasible"
   if max * buckets < qty then failwith "unfeasible"
   allocate [] qty buckets min max
于 2012-05-12T19:01:36.313 回答

ElKamina 的答案可能是正确的,但对于数学上的挑战,这里是另一种马铃薯分类算法。

from random import randint, choice

def random_distribution(num_potatoes, num_buckets, min_num_potatoes, max_num_potatoes):
    Distributes a set number of potatoes randomly across a number of buckets
    such that each bucket has a number of potatoes within a certain range.
    # Cache the starting value
    _num_potatoes = num_potatoes

    # Create some buckets to put potatoes in, initial value 0
    buckets = [0 for x in range(num_buckets)]

    # Get a list of which buckets are not too empty or too full--
    # All of them are valid choices at this point
    indices = [i for (i, value) in enumerate(buckets)]

    # Distribution loop-- continue until we run out of potatoes or the
    # buckets are too full to keep adding to them.
    while indices and num_potatoes and sum(buckets) <= (max_num_potatoes * num_buckets):

        # Pick a random bucket from the list of eligible buckets
        index = choice(indices)

        # Add a potato to it
        buckets[index] = buckets[index] + 1
        num_potatoes = num_potatoes - 1

        # Refresh the list of eligible buckets
        indices = [i for (i, value) in enumerate(buckets) if (value < min_num_potatoes) or (value < max_num_potatoes)]

    print('Of %(potatoes)i potatoes distributed across %(buckets)i buckets, each having at least %(min)i and at most %(max)i, our spread looks like %(spread)s (total bucketed: %(sum)i).' % {
        'potatoes': _num_potatoes,
        'buckets': num_buckets,
        'min': min_num_potatoes,
        'max': max_num_potatoes,
        'spread': buckets,
        'sum': sum(buckets)
    return buckets

for x in range(10):
    random_distribution(100, 3, 15, 60)


Of 100 potatoes distributed across 3 buckets, each having at least 15 and at most 60, our spread looks like [35, 37, 28] (total bucketed: 100).
Of 100 potatoes distributed across 3 buckets, each having at least 15 and at most 60, our spread looks like [29, 36, 35] (total bucketed: 100).
Of 100 potatoes distributed across 3 buckets, each having at least 15 and at most 60, our spread looks like [32, 27, 41] (total bucketed: 100).
Of 100 potatoes distributed across 3 buckets, each having at least 15 and at most 60, our spread looks like [33, 33, 34] (total bucketed: 100).
Of 100 potatoes distributed across 3 buckets, each having at least 15 and at most 60, our spread looks like [32, 32, 36] (total bucketed: 100).
Of 100 potatoes distributed across 3 buckets, each having at least 15 and at most 60, our spread looks like [37, 28, 35] (total bucketed: 100).
Of 100 potatoes distributed across 3 buckets, each having at least 15 and at most 60, our spread looks like [32, 27, 41] (total bucketed: 100).
Of 100 potatoes distributed across 3 buckets, each having at least 15 and at most 60, our spread looks like [39, 27, 34] (total bucketed: 100).
Of 100 potatoes distributed across 3 buckets, each having at least 15 and at most 60, our spread looks like [32, 30, 38] (total bucketed: 100).
Of 100 potatoes distributed across 3 buckets, each having at least 15 and at most 60, our spread looks like [32, 30, 38] (total bucketed: 100).


于 2018-10-05T18:29:24.373 回答