我正在尝试为登录脚本编写一个基本表单。用户输入用户名和密码并按下“登录”。分配给表单的操作只是刷新同一页面。该页面具有检查 $_POST 中的用户名和密码的代码,如果存在,则检查凭据,创建会话 ID 并设置 cookie。如果登录成功,则页面的登录部分不应再显示。
我遇到的问题是,在我点击登录后,似乎 cookie 的写入速度不够快或其他什么,因为随后从该 cookie 读取失败。但是,如果我立即手动刷新我的页面,它实际上已经成功登录。
// Login function, MD5 hashing would be replaced with something better
// if this were something mission critical, but as it stands I'm only
// using this as a learning tool
function login($username, $password)
$username = addslashes($username);
$password = md5($password);
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$username' AND password='$password'");
if(mysql_num_rows($query) == 1)
$info = mysql_fetch_array($query);
$userid = $info[uid];
$sessionid = md5($userid . time());
$time = time();
setcookie ("testcookie", $sessionid, $time+3600, '/', '');
mysql_query("DELETE FROM sessions WHERE uid='$userid'");
mysql_query("INSERT INTO sessions (sessionid,uid,timestamp) VALUES('$sessionid','$userid','$time')");
return $userid;
return 0;
// Check the cookie and return the userid
function status()
$sessionid = $_COOKIE[nojunkcontest];
$oldtime = time() - 3600;
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM sessions WHERE sessionid='$sessionid' AND timestamp>$oldtime");
if(mysql_num_rows($query) == 1)
$info = mysql_fetch_array($query);
return $info[uid];
return 0;
// Check whether to attempt login, get userid either way
if($_POST[username] !='' || $_POST[password] != '')
$login_status = login($_POST[username], $_POST[password]);
else if($_GET[logout])
$userid = status();
// This is in the body of the document...
if($userid > 0)
echo "Logged in (<a href='?logout=1'>Logout</a>)";
if($login_status != '' && $login_status == 0)
echo "Invalid username/password combo.<br>";
<form action = 'index.php' method ='post'>
<table border = '0' cellspacing = '5'>
<td><input type = 'text' name = 'username'></td>
<td><input type = 'password' name = 'password'></td>
<td><input type = 'submit' name = 'submit' value = 'Login'></td>
如您所见,表单操作是“index.php”,这是所有代码所在的同一页面,因此它只是执行刷新。status() 函数在此刷新时返回 0,但如果我之后手动刷新,它会成功,这让我相信 $_COOKIE 调用失败了。我没有包含的 login() 函数写入 status() 读取的 cookie。所以那个部门的一切都在工作,只是这个令人讨厌的刷新事情我无法弄清楚。