在循环遍历通用列表并填充它可以填充的所有空文本框之前,在 aspx 页面上填充固定数量的文本框的好方法是什么?
我现在有以下内容,但如果列表中的答案较少,那么会有文本框出现 outOfBoundException。
else if(!IsPostBack) {
Groups group = new Groups();
List<Answers> AnswerList = new List<Answers>();
//Get the group since the session isn't null
group = group.getGroupbyId(int.Parse(Session["group_Id"].ToString()));
//Get the list of answers of the group
AnswerList = Answers.retrieveAnswersBygroupIdandPageNumber(group.Group_Id, pageNumberLab);
if (AnswerList.Count != 0) {
while (TextAnswerNumber < AnswerList.Count) {
ContentPlaceHolder cph = (ContentPlaceHolder)Master.FindControl("ContentPlaceHolder1");
foreach (Control control in cph.Controls) {
if (control is Panel) {
Panel panel = (Panel)control;
foreach (Control controlInPanel in panel.Controls) {
//If the control is a textbox
if (controlInPanel is TextBox && controlInPanel.ID.Contains("txtAnswer")) {
//And if the control ID containst txtAnswer
//IMPORTANT: If next programmer adds another textbox for an answer textbox the ID must be in the form txtMember*".
TextBox answerTextBox = (TextBox)controlInPanel;
// Check if the textbox is empty
if (answerTextBox.Text == "") {
//If it is, fill it with the answer that group filled in when it previously answered this question.
answerTextBox.Text = AnswerList[TextAnswerNumber].Answer;
answerTextBox.ReadOnly = true;