我正在尝试在多线程应用程序中使用 MPI。在主线程中,我初始化 MPI 环境并创建一个 Manager 对象。Manager 对象启动两个额外的线程,一个用于接收对象,一个用于 GUI 线程。每当用户单击发送按钮时,都应该将对象发送到相应的等级。有时操作会成功,但在某些情况下我会收到此错误:
Unhandled Exception: System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
at MPI.Unsafe.MPI_Recv(IntPtr buf, Int32 count, Int32 datatype, Int32 source, Int32 tag, Int32 comm, MPI_Status& status)
at MPI.Communicator.Receive[T](Int32 source, Int32 tag, T& value, CompletedStatus& status)
at MPI.Communicator.Receive[T](Int32 source, Int32 tag, T& value)
at MPI.Communicator.Receive[T](Int32 source, Int32 tag)
public Manager(String managerID)
//other actions...
(new Thread(new ThreadStart(startGUIThread))).Start();
ReceiverThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(MachineReceiver));
public void MachineReceiver()
while (IsRunning)
Data data = Communicator.world.Receive<Data>(source, 100);