public class Storage{
private int cookies= 0;
private int rolls= 0;
private int candies= 0;
private int lolipops= 0;
private int iceCreams= 0;
public void addCookies(int howMuch){ //this is the dirty way of creating method for
this.cookies = cookies+howMuch; //every member variable
public void addValue(String stat, int howMuch){ //i would like to do it only
//by passing the name
//of variable and then cast it as integer
//so that it would relate to my class members
int value = this.(Integer.parseInt(stat)); // <- YES i know its ridiculous
//im just trying to explain what is my aim
value = value + howMuch;
this.(Integer.parseInt(stat)) = value;
现在我有 5 个成员,但是 15000 呢?我的目标是简化整个处理和代码编写。那么一般是否有可能做这种冗余代码编写绕过?因为我知道我总是将适当的名称传递给方法......除非经验法则是为每个变量创建方法?