I experience big trouble with the iOS provisioning / certification.

Recently I submitted an app to App Store with a normal App Store Distribution Certificate. And then I wanted to create a AdHoc Beta Test for another app, and I am not sure what happened next but now the Provisioning Portal doesn't list my App Store Distribution Certificate anymore. Instead it only lists my AdHoc BetaTest Certificate.

Also, the Provisioning Portal has no way to create a new Certificate. Recently I renewed my developer account so maybe everything expired causing the trouble?

My Keychain has an entry "iPhone Distribution: Mikhalo Ivanokov", with green checkmark "This certificate is valid", expiring in Nov 10, 2012.

But Provisioning Portal doesn't list this Distribution Certificate. Only the AdHoc BetaTest certificate.

How can I fix this? Does anyone know what might have happened? Did Xcode replace my App Store Distribution Certificate with my AdHoc Distribution Certificate? Can I have two, or must I somehow delete the AdHoc Distribution Certificate first?


3 回答 3


您只能拥有一份分发和开发证书。但是,您可以拥有多个分发配置文件。因此,在您的情况下,您可以使用相同的分发证书来创建临时分发配置文件和应用商店分发配置文件。请记住,配置文件是通过组合您的证书(您的开发或发行版)、应用程序 ID 和可选的设备列表来创建的。

于 2012-05-05T10:48:39.170 回答

在我看来,您有一个分发证书,但错误地将其修改为 Ad Hoc 证书(可以在 Provisioning Portal 的分发选项卡中轻松完成)。如果您想在 App Store 中更新它,您只需要再制作一个分发证书并用它签署您的应用程序。

您无需删除 Ad Hoc 证书,只需在开发者 Mac 上维护分发证书和 Ad Hoc 证书即可。您只需使用正确类型的证书签署您的应用程序,即可在 App Store 和 Ad Hoc 分发中发布。

于 2012-05-05T10:43:22.177 回答


于 2017-06-05T03:15:45.350 回答