我在很多地方读到过,在 TDD 期间使用反射设置内部字段是不好的,因为这可能意味着我们还没有对被测类的接口进行排序。但是,我想提出一个我认为完全合理的场景,除了反射之外,我想不出任何干净的解决方案来解决手头的问题。


public Class Movie
   public string MovieName{get; private set}

   public void AddExternalReview(IMovieReview review)
      //Logic that needs Unit testing.
      if ( review.MovieName.Equals(MovieName) )
         //Do stuff..


public Class MovieTests
   public void CanAddExternalReview()
      MovieReviewStub movieReviewStub = new MovieReviewStub(); 
      movieReviewStub.MovieName = "The Godfather";

      Movie m = new Movie();
      //Need to Set object m state(i.e set Property MovieName to "The Godfather")
      //Only way to do that seems to be relection.

      //Assert on some condition.

具有无法由类的“普通”客户端设置的属性是很常见的。但是,UnitTest 类可能需要访问此类属性/字段,以便它可以设置测试所需的相关状态。据我所知,反思是唯一的出路。这一定是一个相当普遍的要求,但网络上的大多数文章/讨论似乎都不赞成在 TDD 中使用反射。任何想法/见解都将受到欢迎。


2 回答 2




如果该类出于某种原因保护该 setter,请在该保护范围内工作。否则,正如您所说,界面没有正确排序。任何逻辑过程设置该值都是测试的先决条件。

于 2012-05-05T00:51:05.963 回答

The sentence that puzzles me in your problem description is "It is quite common to have properties that cannot be set by a Class's "normal" Clients." This sounds like you have two (or more) types of clients for your class. If that's the case your different types of clients should see different interfaces. The implementation class however is the same and should not hide the property's setter; writing the test is simple then.

I guess it all boils down to a question of design priorities. When doing TDD I usually favor testability over data hiding and encapsulation. To prioritize the other way round will sometimes make testing hard and non-intuitive - as in your example.

于 2012-05-05T20:21:05.593 回答