When using MapKit, are MKAnnotations the model of MVC paradigm? I mean, let's say I have locations (for instance, cinemas) and those can be shown using a map and a list (table view).
What is the model in this context?
I guess are Ciname instances, but MKMapView requires annotations (MKAnnotation and MKAnnotationView). Using the table I don't have problems, as I can use the model in cellForRow, but using MKMapView requires annotations.

Do I have to copy all cinemas to custom annotations?
I guess that's not normal. What do you think? basically what I don't understand is how to use the model view controller pattern properly in this scenario.


1 回答 1


MkAnnotations 是一个协议,因此您的对象(模型)也必须实现该协议,它可以在没有副本的情况下工作。

所以是的,你的对象我补充说 MkAnnoation 协议是模型,与 MVC 相关。

这个协议是 MkMapKit 为模型中的每个对象都有一个坐标所必需的。

于 2013-02-18T12:48:01.710 回答