我们每 300 毫秒从服务器向客户端发送球的坐标。我们必须插入坐标以使移动平滑。这是代码(AS3):
private function run(event:Event):void
// Current frame ball position
var currentPosition:Point = new Point(this.x, this.y);
// Vector of the speed
_velocity = _destinationPoint.subtract(currentPosition);
// Interpolation
// Game.timeLapse - time from last package with coordinates (last change of destinationPoint)
// stage.frameRate - fps
_velocity.normalize(_velocity.length * 1000 / Game.timeLapse / stage.frameRate);
// If ball isn't at the end of the path, move it
if (Point.distance(currentPosition, _destinationPoint) > 1) {
this.x += _velocity.x;
this.y += _velocity.y;
} else {
// Otherwise (we are at the end of the path - remove listener from this event
this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, run);
this.dispatchEvent(new GameEvent(GameEvent.PLAYER_STOP));
红点 - 目的地点
黑线 - 从当前点到目的地的线,没有标准化
绿色点缀 - 球的路径