我创建了发送带有指向我网站的反向链接的电子邮件的功能,我正在使用 codeigniter 框架
用户单击电子邮件上的特定链接(返回链接)后,用户重定向到我的具有 iframe 的页面。
我使用该 iframe 提交带有文件输入的表单,而无需刷新页面。
当用户在 IE9 浏览器中使用 gmail 通过该链接时,该form.submit()
功能会失败,在其他浏览器中它可以正常工作,其他电子邮件(除了 gmail)也可以。
实际上我正在使用 ajaxupload jquery 库,它form.submit();
在上面的场景中 失败了
/* Creates form, that will be submitted to iframe
* @param {Element} iframe Where to submit
* @return {Element} form
_createForm: function(iframe){
var settings = this._settings;
// We can't use the following code in IE6
// var form = document.createElement('form');
// form.setAttribute('method', 'post');
// form.setAttribute('enctype', 'multipart/form-data');
// Because in this case file won't be attached to request
var form = toElement('<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"></form>');
form.setAttribute('action', settings.action);
form.setAttribute('target', iframe.name);
form.style.display = 'none';
// Create hidden input element for each data key
for (var prop in settings.data) {
if (settings.data.hasOwnProperty(prop)){
var el = document.createElement("input");
el.setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
el.setAttribute('name', prop);
el.setAttribute('value', settings.data[prop]);
return form;
* Gets response from iframe and fires onComplete event when ready
* @param iframe
* @param file Filename to use in onComplete callback
_getResponse : function(iframe, file){
// getting response
var toDeleteFlag = false, self = this, settings = this._settings;
addEvent(iframe, 'load', function(){
if (// For Safari
iframe.src == "javascript:'%3Chtml%3E%3C/html%3E';" ||
// For FF, IE
iframe.src == "javascript:'<html></html>';"){
// First time around, do not delete.
// We reload to blank page, so that reloading main page
// does not re-submit the post.
if (toDeleteFlag) {
// Fix busy state in FF3
}, 0);
var doc = iframe.contentDocument ? iframe.contentDocument : window.frames[iframe.id].document;
// fixing Opera 9.26,10.00
if (doc.readyState && doc.readyState != 'complete') {
// Opera fires load event multiple times
// Even when the DOM is not ready yet
// this fix should not affect other browsers
// fixing Opera 9.64
if (doc.body && doc.body.innerHTML == "false") {
// In Opera 9.64 event was fired second time
// when body.innerHTML changed from false
// to server response approx. after 1 sec
var response;
if (doc.XMLDocument) {
// response is a xml document Internet Explorer property
response = doc.XMLDocument;
} else if (doc.body){
// response is html document or plain text
response = doc.body.innerHTML;
if (settings.responseType && settings.responseType.toLowerCase() == 'json') {
// If the document was sent as 'application/javascript' or
// 'text/javascript', then the browser wraps the text in a <pre>
// tag and performs html encoding on the contents. In this case,
// we need to pull the original text content from the text node's
// nodeValue property to retrieve the unmangled content.
// Note that IE6 only understands text/html
if (doc.body.firstChild && doc.body.firstChild.nodeName.toUpperCase() == 'PRE') {
response = doc.body.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue;
if (response) {
response = eval("(" + response + ")");
} else {
response = {};
} else {
// response is a xml document
response = doc;
settings.onComplete.call(self, file, response);
// Reload blank page, so that reloading main page
// does not re-submit the post. Also, remember to
// delete the frame
toDeleteFlag = true;
// Fix IE mixed content issue
iframe.src = "javascript:'<html></html>';";
* Upload file contained in this._input
submit: function(){
var self = this, settings = this._settings;
if ( ! this._input || this._input.value === ''){
var file = fileFromPath(this._input.value);
// user returned false to cancel upload
if (false === settings.onSubmit.call(this, file, getExt(file))){
// sending request
var iframe = this._createIframe();
var form = this._createForm(iframe);
// assuming following structure
// div -> input type='file'
removeClass(self._button, self._settings.hoverClass);
removeClass(self._button, self._settings.focusClass);
// request set, clean up
removeNode(form); form = null;
removeNode(this._input); this._input = null;
// Get response from iframe and fire onComplete event when ready
this._getResponse(iframe, file);
// get ready for next request