我有这个 bxslider 代码。
infiniteLoop: false,
hideControlOnEnd: true
我有这个 ajax 代码:
$(function () {
$.get('/Scripts/PagedList/PagedList.Mvc.Template.html', function (pagerTemplate) { // get template for pager
// create our pager control object
var pagedList = $.pagedList(
$.template(null, pagerTemplate), // convert into compiled template
return '/home/ajax/#' + pageNumber; // give the pager control the url for loading this page
{ pagesToDisplay: 10 } // optional page render options
function showNamesAndPagerControl(p) {
$.getJSON("/home/ajaxpage", { page: p ? p : 1 }, function (data) { // default to page 1
.attr("start", data.pager.FirstItemOnPage) // update the <li> numbers
.html($("#namesTemplate").tmpl(data.names)); // show the names for this page
$("#namesPager").html(pagedList.render(data.pager)); // update the pager control
}).error(function () {
// if we hit an error (such as a 404), try loading the first page
if (p !== 1) // don't do this if we just tried to load the first page
// get current url hash (ex: "#3" for page 3)
var hash = window.location.hash;
if (hash)
hash = hash.slice(1); // chop off the leading "#"
// load whatever the currently requested page is
$(".PagedList-pager a").live("click", function (ev) {
ev.preventDefault(); // don't let the page actually navigate
var pageNumber = $(this).data('page'); // load the pagenumber from the link's data-pager attribute
window.location.hash = pageNumber; // update the url hash
我想将此 ajax 集成到 bxslider。