Upgrading MVC apps done with VS 2010 has been the biggest issue for me. I have an application that I use to run various websites and I maintain and develop this application separetely then upgrade the sites based on it. A lot of things might change during development of a new version - new Views, new Controllers, stuff added into JS files, updated stylesheets etc.

I've searched around the web but nothing useful came up besides this Haack's article but no source code is available.

I also tried making a Nuget package for the entire MVC app and while this works, it doesn't package up the resource files (an issue within Nuget itself) and my apps rely on those so until this is fixed I cannot use this method.

I checked how others do it and this pretty much summarizes Umbraco's way and it's the same painful way of a dozen of steps like I do it now.

Do you have any good advice on it?


1 回答 1


您没有指定目标操作系统,但我创建了本机包,即 .deb 用于 Ubuntu 服务器。

但是,这仍然意味着您需要指定所有文件、管理配置、升级数据库方案。但是,如果您在 CI 服务器上进行测试,它会变得更加可靠,并且您可以反复进行。这都是良好部署实践的一部分。我可以推荐《持续交付》这本书。

于 2012-05-01T11:23:47.293 回答