我想实现这两个函数,以便能够输入和输出我的类的对象。我已经让 >> 运算符工作了,但没有那么多 <<。

这是我的 .h 文件中的代码:

    class MyString
            MyString(char *message);
            void Print();

            void Copy(MyString& rhs);
            int Length();

            MyString& operator()(const int index, const char b);
            char& operator()(const int i);
            MyString& operator=(const MyString& rhs);
            bool operator==(const MyString& other) const;
            bool operator!=(const MyString& other) const;
            const MyString operator+(const MyString& rhs) const;

            MyString& operator+=(const MyString& rhs);


            char *String;
            int Size;

    istream& operator>>(istream& input, MyString& rhs);
    ostream& operator<<(ostream& output, const MyString& rhs);

这是我的 .cpp 文件中两个函数的代码:

    char temp[] = "Hello World";

    int counter(0);
    while(temp[counter] != '\0') {
    Size = counter;
    String = new char [Size];
    for(int i=0; i < Size; i++)
            String[i] = temp[i];

MyString::MyString(char *message)

    int counter(0);

    while(message[counter] != '\0') {
    Size = counter;
    String = new char [Size];
    for(int i=0; i < Size; i++)
            String[i] = message[i];


    delete [] String;
 int MyString::Length()
    int counter(0);

    while(String[counter] != '\0')
            counter ++;

    return (counter);

const MyString MyString::operator+(const MyString& rhs) const

    char* tmp = new char[Size + rhs.Size +1];

    for(int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
            tmp[i] = String[i];
    for(int i = 0; i < rhs.Size+1; i++)
             tmp[i+Size] = rhs.String[i];

const MyString MyString::operator+(const MyString& rhs) const

    char* tmp = new char[Size + rhs.Size +1];

    for(int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
            tmp[i] = String[i];
    for(int i = 0; i < rhs.Size+1; i++)
            tmp[i+Size] = rhs.String[i];

    MyString result;

    delete [] result.String;
    result.String = tmp;
    result.Size = Size+rhs.Size;

    return result;

MyString& MyString::operator()(const int index, const char b)
    if(String[index] == '\0')

            String[index] = b;


MyString& MyString::operator=(const MyString& rhs)

    if(this != &rhs)

            delete [] String;
            String = new char[rhs.Size];
            Size = rhs.Size;

    for(int i = 0; i < rhs.Size+1 ; i++)
            String[i] = rhs.String[i];


    return *this;

  void MyString::Copy(MyString& rhs)
    delete [] String;
    Size = rhs.Size;
    String = new char[rhs.Size];

    String = rhs.String;

MyString& MyString::operator+=(const MyString& rhs)

    char* tmp = new char[Size + rhs.Size + 1];

    for(int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
            tmp[i] = String[i];

    for(int i = 0; i <rhs.Size+1; i++)
            tmp[i+Size] = rhs.String[i];

    delete [] String;
    String = tmp;

    Size += rhs.Size;

    return *this;


bool MyString::operator!=(const MyString& other) const

    return !(*this == other);

bool MyString::operator==(const MyString& other)const
    if(other.Size == this->Size)
            for(int i = 0; i < this->Size+1; i++)
                    if(&other == this)

                            return true;
            return false;

 char& MyString::operator()(const int i)

    if( String[i] == '\0')

    return String[i];


   void MyString::Print()
    for(int i=0; i < Size; i++)
            cout << String[i];
    cout << endl;


istream& operator>>(istream& input, MyString& rhs)
    char* temp;
    int size(256);
    temp = new char[size];
    rhs = MyString(temp);
    delete [] temp;

    return input;

ostream& operator<<(ostream& output, const MyString& rhs)
    char* p;
    int size(256);
    p = new char[size];
    output << rhs.MyString(p);
    delete [] p;
    return output;

以下是它在 main.cpp 文件中的调用方式:

cin >> SearchString >> TargetString; // Test of cascaded string-extraction operator<</*

if(SearchString.Find(ConstString) != -1) {       
  cout << ConstString << " is not in " << SearchString << endl;  } 

else {       
  cout << ConstString << " is in " << SearchString << endl;
  cout << "Details of the hit: " << endl;       
  cout << "Starting poisition of the hit: " << SearchString.Find(ConstString) << endl;                
  cout << "The matching substring is: " << SearchString.Substring(SearchString.Find(ConstString), ConstString.length()); }

同样, cin>> 运算符完美运行,但请帮助我弄清楚如何输出字符串。


1 回答 1




output << rhs.get_data();
于 2012-04-30T13:01:26.207 回答