I am having following code. Following code is crashing when I am deleting the allocated memory i.e., Rational::deleteMemPool();
Getting output as
mempool value is 00000000 mempool value is 003462E8 mempool value is 003462E8
// Here for delete crashing though we have valid pointer.
Can any one please help me what is bug here?
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
template < class T >
class MemoryPool {
MemoryPool (size_t size = EXPANSION_SIZE);
~MemoryPool ();
inline void* alloc (size_t size); // Allocate a T element from the free list.
inline void free (void *someElement); // Return a T element to the free list.
MemoryPool<T> *next; // next element on the free list.
enum { EXPANSION_SIZE = 32}; // If the freeList is empty, expand it by this amount.
void expandTheFreeList(int howMany = EXPANSION_SIZE); // Add free elements to the free list
template < class T > MemoryPool < T > :: MemoryPool (size_t size) {
template < class T > MemoryPool < T > :: ~MemoryPool () {
MemoryPool<T> *nextPtr = next;
for (nextPtr = next; nextPtr != NULL; nextPtr = next) {
next = next->next;
delete [] nextPtr;
template < class T > inline void* MemoryPool < T > :: alloc (size_t) {
if (!next) {
MemoryPool<T> *head = next;
next = head->next;
return head;
template < class T > inline void MemoryPool < T > :: free (void *doomed) {
MemoryPool<T> *head = static_cast <MemoryPool<T> *> (doomed);
head->next = next;
next = head;
template < class T > void MemoryPool < T > :: expandTheFreeList(int howMany) {
// We must allocate an object large enough to contain the next pointer.
size_t size = (sizeof(T) > sizeof(MemoryPool<T> *)) ? sizeof(T) : sizeof(MemoryPool<T> *);
void *pNewAlloc = new char[size];
MemoryPool<T> *runner = static_cast <MemoryPool<T> *> (pNewAlloc);
next = runner;
for (int i = 0; i < howMany ; i++) {
void *pNewAlloc = new char[size];
runner->next = static_cast <MemoryPool<T> *> (pNewAlloc);
runner = runner->next;
runner->next = 0;
class Rational {
Rational (int a = 0, int b = 1 ) : n(a), d(b) {}
void *operator new(size_t size) { return memPool->alloc(size); }
void operator delete(void *doomed,size_t size) { memPool->free(doomed); }
static void newMemPool() {
std::cout << "mempool value is " << Rational::memPool << std::endl;
memPool = new MemoryPool <Rational>;
std::cout << "mempool value is " << Rational::memPool << std::endl;
static void deleteMemPool() {
std::cout << "mempool value is " << Rational::memPool << std::endl;
delete memPool;
int n; // Numerator
int d; // Denominator
static MemoryPool <Rational> *memPool;
MemoryPool <Rational> *Rational::memPool = 0;
int main() {
Rational *array[1000];
// Start timing here
for (int j = 0; j < 1; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
array[i] = new Rational(i);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
delete array[i];
// Stop timing here
Stack trace:>
ReadParsing.exe!Rational::deleteMemPool() Line 75 C++
ReadParsing.exe!main() Line 107 C++
ReadParsing.exe!__tmainCRTStartup() Line 586 + 0x19 bytes C
ReadParsing.exe!mainCRTStartup() Line 403 C