我正在阅读测试驱动开发:示例。所有示例都使用 Java 和 Junit(我在第 10 章)。有一种测试方法可以测试两个对象是否相等。我已经覆盖了该类的 Equals 但是在运行我的测试时它失败了。


public class BaseX
    public string Test { get; set; }

    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        return this.Test == ((BaseX)obj).Test;

    public override string ToString()
        return string.Format("Tyep: {0}, Test: {1}", this.GetType().Name, this.Test);

public class A : BaseX



public void FunTest2()
    var b1 = new BaseX();
    var a1 = new A();

    b1.Test = "a";
    a1.Test = "a";

    Assert.Equal(a1, b1);


TDD1.UnitTest.UnitTest1.FunTest2 : Assert.Equal() Failure
Expected: Tyep: A, Test: a
Actual:   Tyep: BaseX, Test: a

我认为Assert.Equal比较对象的值和类型。所以,我查看了 xunit 代码并找到了那个Assert.Equalcall IEqualityComparer.Equals。如果我想用覆盖方法比较两个对象,我应该使用什么方法?

我在Windows 7Visual Studio 11 Betaxunit.net上测试(从 nuget 获取文件)


1 回答 1


Before comparing both objects using T's Equals method, xunit compares types:

// Same type?
if (!skipTypeCheck && x.GetType() != y.GetType())
    return false;

As I see it, you have two choices:

The simple choice


It might be less expected than an Equal overload, but KISS...

The less simple choice

public class BaseXComparer : IEqualityComparer<BaseX>
    public bool Equals(BaseX x, BaseX y)
        return x.Test.Equals(y.Test);

    public int GetHashCode(BaseX obj)
        return obj.Test.GetHashCode();

And then:

Assert.Equal(a1, b1, new BaseXComparer());

In this case, consider this.

Until someone will add a new overload (shouldn't be tricky, as the inner implementation has a bool parameter for this) or an extension, I'd recommend using the simple method above.

于 2012-04-29T15:49:19.803 回答