
MyString 对象应包含打印字符串的 Print() 方法

MyString 对象应包含一个报告字符串长度的 Length() 方法

MyString 对象应该包含一个默认构造函数,它将初始字符串设置为“Hello World”的值。

MyString 对象应包含允许设置字符串初始值的备用构造函数。

MyString 对象应重载以下运算符:

  • 括号运算符应该被重载以替换之前赋值的 Set 和 Get 函数。请注意,两个实例都应在违反字符串数组边界时发出 exit(1) 。

  • 赋值运算符 (=) 将源字符串复制到目标字符串中。请注意,目标的大小需要调整为与源的大小相同。

  • 如果两个字符串的大小和内容相同,则返回 true 的逻辑比较运算符 (==)。

  • 否定逻辑比较运算符 (!=),返回布尔否定 2。

  • 连接两个字符串的加法运算符 (+)

  • 加法/赋值运算符 (+=) 以下列方式使用: String1 += String2 操作为 String1 = String1 + String2

  • 加法 (+) 和赋值 (=) 运算符都需要能够进行级联操作。这意味着 String3 = String1 + String2 或 String1 = String2 = String3 应该可以工作。

这是我在 .cpp 文件中的代码:

       char temp[] = "Hello World";

       int counter(0);
        while(temp[counter] != '\0') {
       Size = counter;
        String = new char [Size];
        for(int i=0; i < Size; i++)
            String[i] = temp[i];


MyString::MyString(char *message)

      int counter(0);
       while(message[counter] != '\0') {
       Size = counter;
      String = new char [Size];
      for(int i=0; i < Size; i++)
             String[i] = message[i];

      delete [] String;

 int MyString::Length()
       int counter(0);

       while(String[counter] != '\0')
             counter ++;

       return (counter);

**const MyString operator +(const MyString& one, const MyString& two)
       MyString String1;
       return String1;

MyString& MyString::operator()(const int index, const char b)
       if(String[index] == '\0')
         String[index] = b;


MyString& MyString::operator=(const MyString& rhs)

        Size = rhs.Size;
        counter = rhs.counter;

        delete [] String;
        String = new char[Size];

        for(int i = 0; i < counter+1 ; i++)
               String[i] = rhs.String[i];
       return *this;


 bool MyString::operator==(const MyString& one)
       if(one.Length() == two.Length())
              for(int i = 0; i < one.Length()+1; i++)
                      if(one[i] == two[i])
                            return true;
             return false;

 MyString& MyString::operator()(const int i)

        if( String[i] == '\0')

            return String[i];


void MyString::Print()
       for(int i=0; i < Size; i++)
               cout << String[i];
       cout << endl;



int main (int argc, char **argv)

 MyString String1;             //Test of default constructor. Use "Hello world"
 MyString String2 ("Two strings are not equal");       //Test of alternate constructor
 MyString String3 ("Two strings are equal");
 MyString String4 (String1);

 cout << "*************Test of values*************" << endl;
 String1.Print ();
 String2.Print ();
 String3.Print ();

 cout << "*************Test of Length*************" << endl;
 cout << String1.Length () << " ";
 cout << String2.Length () << " ";
 cout << String3.Length () << endl;

 cout << "*************Test of Set*************" << endl;
 String1 (0, 'J');
 String1.Print ();

 cout << "*************Test of Copy*************" << endl;
 String1.Print ();
 cout << endl;
 String3.Print ();
 cout << endl;
 String3.Copy (String1);       //String1 should be copied into String3
 String1.Print ();
 cout << endl;
 String3.Print ();
 cout << endl;

 cout << "*************Test of Get*************" << endl;
 for (int i = 0; i < String1.Length (); i++)   //The last character should exit the    program
      cout << String1 (i) << " ";
   cout << endl;

   if (String1 == String4)
      String3.Print ();
     String4.Print ();

   if (String1 != String4)
      String3.Print ();
      String4.Print ();

   String1 = String2 = String3;
   String1.Print ();
   String2.Print ();
   String3.Print ();

   String1 = String2 + String3 + String4;
   String1.Print ();

   String2 += String3;
   String2.Print ();

   return 0;


main.cpp 文件不能更改,但其他 .cpp 文件必须与该文件一起编译和运行。


1 回答 1


您需要将运算符的声明放在标头中,但您遇到的问题是您在operator+for 您的字符串中使用operator+您的字符串

const MyString operator +(const MyString& one, const MyString& two) {
        MyString String1 = one + two; // this calls operator+, which calls operator+, which calls...
        return String1;


MyString operator +(const MyString& one, const MyString& two) {
        MyString String1;
        // do something with the data of one and two and put it in String1
        return String1;

最后,如果您的操作员需要访问 的非公开数据MyString,您应该将其声明为您MyString班级的朋友。

class MyString {

// as before

friend MyString operator+(const Mytring& rhs, const MyString& lhs);

于 2012-04-28T15:43:48.337 回答