我在 Prolog 脚本中有一组可能性,并希望找到最大的集合,其中应用于所有列表对的特定谓词评估为真。
% Four-way friend CIRCLE
link(tom, bill).
link(bill, dick).
link(dick, joe).
link(joe, tom).
% Four-way friend WEB
link(jill, sally).
link(sally, beth).
link(beth, sue).
link(sue, jill).
link(jill, beth).
link(sally, sue).
% For this example, all friendships are mutual
friend(P1, P2) :- link(P1, P2); link(P2, P1).
% the two-person parts of both sets :
[bill, tom], [bill, dick], [dick, joe], [joe, tom],
[jill, sally], [beth, sally], [beth, sue], [jill, sue],
[beth, jill], [sally, sue]
% any three of the web :
[beth, jill, sally], [beth, sally, sue], [beth, jill, sue]
% and the four-person web :
[beth, jill, sally, sue]
% Mutual friends?
friendCircle([Person1, Person2]) :-
friend(Person1, Person2),
% Only keep the alphabetical-order set:
sort([Person1, Person2], [Person1, Person2]).
friendCircle([Person1|Tail]) :-
friendWithList(Person1, Tail),
Tail = [Person2|Tail2],
% Only keep if in alphabetical order:
sort([Person1, Person2], [Person1, Person2]),
friendWithList(Person2, Tail2).
% Check all members of the list for mutual friendship with Person:
friendWithList(Person, [Head|Tail]) :-
friend(Person, Head), % Check first person in list
friendWithList(Person, Tail). % Check rest of list
但是当我运行它时,在枚举了两人列表之后,Prolog 只是挂起并最终耗尽了堆栈空间。我究竟做错了什么?
(1,2) (1,3), (1,4), (1,5) % Compare element 1 with the rest of the list
(2,3), (2,4), (2,5) % Remove element 1 and repeat
(3,4), (3,5)