在程序语言中,我会将所有值保存到映射 (val, (pos)) = (val (row, col); example (0.880..-> (1, 1)),然后按值排序。
val matrix = """1 0.8802216 1.2277843 0.6875047
2 0.9381081 1.3189847 0.2046542
3 1.3245534 0.8221709 0.4630722
4 1.2006974 0.8890464 0.6710844
5 1.2344071 0.8354292 0.7259998
6 1.1670665 0.9214787 0.6826173
7 0.9670581 1.1070461 0.7742342
8 0.8867365 1.2160533 0.7024281
9 0.8235792 1.4424190 0.2030302
10 0.8821301 1.0541099 1.2279813
11 1.1958634 0.9708839 0.4297043
12 1.3542734 0.7747481 0.5119648
13 0.4385487 0.3588158 4.9167998
14 0.8530141 1.3578511 0.3698620
15 0.9651803 0.8426226 1.6132899
16 0.8854192 1.2272616 0.6715839
17 0.7779642 0.8132233 2.3386331
18 0.9936722 1.1629110 0.5083558
19 1.1235897 1.0018480 0.5764672
20 0.7887222 1.3101684 0.7373181
21 2.2276176 0.0000000 0.0000000"""
// split block of text into lines
val lines=matrix.split ("\n")
// split lines into words
val rows = lines.map (l => l.split (" \\+"))
// remove the index from the beginning (1, 2, ... 21) and
// transform values from Strings to double numbers
// triples is: Array(Array(0.8802216, 1.2277843, 0.6875047), Array(0.9381081, 1.3189847, 0.2046542),
val triples = rows.map (_.tail).map(triple=> triple.map (_.toDouble))
// generate an own index for the rows and columns
// elems is: elems: Array[Array[(Double, (Int, Int))]] = Array(Array((0.8802216,(0,0)), (1.2277843,(0,1)), (0.6875047,(0,2))), Array((0.9381081,(1,0)), ...
val elems = triples.zipWithIndex.map {t=> t._1.zipWithIndex.map (vc=> (vc._1 -> (t._2, vc._2)))}
// sorted = Array((0.0,(20,1)), (0.0,(20,2)), (0.2030302,(8,2)), (0.2046542,(1,2)),
val sorted = elems.sortBy (e => e._1)
// delta5 = List(0.3588158, 0.369862, 0.2266741, 0.2338945, 0.10425639999999997, 0.1384938,
val delta5 = sorted.sliding (5, 1).map (q => q(4)._1-q(0)._1).toList
val minindex = delta5.indexOf (delta5.min) // minindex: Int = 29, delta5.min = 0.008824799999999966
// we found the smallest intervall of 5 values beginning at 29:
(29 to 29 +5).map (sorted (_))
res568: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[(Double, (Int, Int))] =
Vector( (0.8802216,(0,0)),
由于 Scala 从 0 到 20 和从 0 到 2 计数,您的索引分别从 1 到 3 和 1 到 21 运行,因此您必须将 (1,1) 添加到每个位置=> (1,1), (10 ,1) 等等。