想要总结 SQL (MS 2008 r2) 2 个相对简单的表,我正在努力寻找一种让它工作的方法,几乎就在那里,但我真的很感谢 SQL 专家的帮助:)
我将一个树型表加入到一组值中,我们只检索该值的最新实例(对于每个外键 x2),并且每个值都有一个创建日期,我们只想要创建日期之前的最新值。最后,我们只想对位于树底部的那些(即没有孩子的)的值求和。我读过关于 CTE 的文章,并认为这是使它工作的好方法,但以前没有这样做过,所以仍然在努力阅读我所写的内容 :)
[id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[parentID] [int] NOT NULL
我感兴趣的这张表中的数据是这样的。(实际的简单示例可能有 1000-2000 条记录,最多可能有 7 层嵌套,通常只有 3 或 4 层)ID + ParentID 始终是唯一的。
ID parentID
1077 1055
1110 1077
1103 1077
1104 1103
1105 1103
1111 1110
1112 1110
[Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[creation] [datetime] NULL,
[crewId] [int] NULL,
[mealId] [int] NULL,
[allocation] [int] NULL
加入树的是 crampId,这是作为参数发送的,因此我们将检索 1077 的所有孩子的总和。我只想包括无子值的总和。我想为 mealId 的每个值求一个总和。crampId + mealId + creation 始终是唯一的。
Id creation crewId mealId allocation
----------- ----------------------- ----------- ----------- -----------
1 2012-04-13 16:50:00.000 1111 1085 1
2 2012-04-13 16:55:00.000 1111 1085 3
3 2012-04-13 17:03:31.100 1111 1085 2
4 2012-04-18 22:35:21.790 1112 1085 1
5 2012-04-18 22:35:32.630 1112 1086 1
6 2012-04-18 22:35:42.473 1112 1087 1
7 2012-04-25 18:15:53.117 1111 1086 1
8 2012-04-25 19:11:46.227 1111 1085 1
9 2012-04-25 19:11:46.227 1110 1085 5
declare @crewId int
set @crewId = 1077
-- get total of allocated to childless children
Recurse as (
n.Id as DirectChildId
, n.Id
from umbracoNode n
where parentId = @crewId
union all
, n.Id
from umbracoNode n
join Recurse b on b.Id = n.ParentId
n.DirectChildId, mealId, sum(a.Allocation) as TotalAllocation
from Recurse n
left join Allocations a on n.Id = a.crewId
and a.CrewId not in (select parentId from umbracoNode)
group by DirectChildId, mealId;
SELECT a.mealId, a.allocation
FROM Allocations AS a
LEFT OUTER JOIN Allocations AS a2
ON (a2.crewId = @crewId and a.MealId = a2.MealId AND a2.creation < a2.creation)
WHERE a.crewId = @crewId and a2.crewId IS NULL;