我有一个大约 6000 到 7000 个字符的巨大查询字符串,是否可以简而言之对字符串进行加密?
使用 ASP.NET 作为 Web 应用程序。
我有一个大约 6000 到 7000 个字符的巨大查询字符串,是否可以简而言之对字符串进行加密?
使用 ASP.NET 作为 Web 应用程序。
The short answer is don't do it - it probably indicates you are doing something wrong.
If you have to then I would say the best way would be to store the long query string in a database field and generate a Guid you can store as a key against it.
You can then pass the Guid in the query string and when the page loads you can then retrieve the full details from the database using the key.
该 URL 接受 255 个字符,之后您将一无所获。
使用 Kevin 先生提到的数据库存储,或使用上下文会话存储您在查询字符串中发送的变量。