啊。这是丑陋的。美丽胜于丑陋。我不再主要是 Python 程序员,所以可能有更好的工具来解决这个问题。但是让我们从概念层面来解决这个问题。
Scenario: Calculate totals within region database
Feature: Read from database
As a user, in order to be able to view the total sales of my books and differentiate them by fiction and nonfiction, I want to be able to read data from a file.
Given: I have a file that has region data, for example data.text
When: I load data from it
Then: I should have associated region data available in my program.
这是作为测试用例的 Python 实现:
import unittest
class RegionTests(unittest.TestCase):
def testLoadARegionDatabase(self):
"""Given a region file,when I load it, then it should be stored in memory"""
# Given region database
regionDatabase = []
# When I load it
with open('./regions.txt','r') as f:
regionDatabase = f.readlines()
# Then contents should be available
self.assertTrue(len(regionDatabase) > 0)
从概念上讲,我们知道该文件中的每一行都是有意义的。从根本上说,每一行都是一个Region。我们在文件中存储了代码、虚构销售、非虚构销售和税率。区域的概念在我们的系统中应该有一个明确的、一流的表示,因为Explicit 比 Implicit 更好。
Feature: Create a Region
As a user, in order to be able to know a region is information--including nonfiction sales, fiction sales, and tax rate-- I want to be able to create a Region.
Given: I have data for fiction sales, non-fiction sales, and tax rate
When: I create a Region
Then: Its sales, non-fiction sales, and tax-rate should be set accordingly
这是作为测试用例的 Python 实现:
def testCreateRegionFromData(self):
"""Given a set of data, when I create a region, then its non-fiction sales, fiction sales,and tax rate should be set"""
# Given a set of data
texas = { "regionCode": "TX", "fiction" : 415, "nonfiction" : 555, "taxRate" : 0.55 }
# When I create a region
region = Region(texas["regionCode"], texas["fiction"], texas["nonfiction"], texas["taxRate"])
# Then its attributes should be set
self.assertEquals("TX", region.code)
self.assertEquals(415, region.fiction)
self.assertEquals(555, region.nonfiction)
self.assertEquals(0.55, region.taxRate)
class Region:
def __init__(self, code, fiction, nonfiction,rate):
self.code = code
self.fiction = fiction
self.nonfiction = nonfiction
self.taxRate = rate
Feature: Calculate Total Sales
As a user, in order to be able to know what is going on, I want to be able to ask an Analyst what the total sales are for my region
Given: I have a set of regions
When : I ask my Analyst what the total sales are
Then : The analyst should return me the correct answers
这是作为测试用例的 Python 实现。
def testAnalyzeRegionsForTotalNonFictionSales(self):
"""Given a set of Region, When I ask an Analyst for total non-fiction sales, then I should get the sum of non-fiction sales"""
# Given a set of regions
regions = [ Region("TX", 415, 555, 0.55), Region("MN", 330, 999, 0.78), Region("HA", 401, 674, 0.99) ]
# When I ask my analyst for the total non-fiction sales
analyst = Analyst(regions)
result = analyst.calculateTotalNonFictionSales()
self.assertEquals(2228, result)
class Analyst:
def __init__(self,regions):
self.regions = regions
def calculateTotalNonFictionSales(self):
return sum([reg.nonfiction for reg in self.regions])
- 我们是否应该让分析师直接阅读一个地区的小说和非小说属性并总结它们?
def calculateTotalSales(self):
return sum([reg.fiction + reg.nonfiction for reg in self.regions])
但是,如果我们添加“历史剧”(小说和非小说)或其他属性会发生什么?然后每次我们更改 Region 时,我们都必须更改我们的 Analyst,以便将 Region 的新结构考虑在内。
不,这是一个糟糕的设计决定。Region 已经知道它需要知道的关于其总销售额的所有信息。地区应该能够报告其总数。
Feature: Report Total Sales
Given: I have a region with fiction and non-fiction sales
When : I ask the region for its total sales
Then: The region should tell me its total sales
这是作为测试用例的 Python 实现:
def testGetTotalSalesForRegion(self):
"""Given a region with fiction and nonfiction sales, when I ask for its total sales, then I should get the result"""
# Given a set of data
texas = { "regionCode": "TX", "fiction" : 415, "nonfiction" : 555, "taxRate" : 0.55 }
region = Region("TX", 415, 555, 0.55)
# When I ask the region for its total sales
result = region.totalSales()
# Then I should get the sum of the sales
def calculateTotalSales(self):
return sum([reg.totalSales() for reg in self.regions])
from region import Region
from analyst import Analyst
def main():
text = readFromRegionFile()
regions = createRegionsFromText(text)
analyst = Analyst(regions)
def readFromRegionFile():
regionDatabase = []
with open('./regions.txt','r') as f:
regionDatabase = f.readlines()
return regionDatabase
def createRegionsFromText(text):
regions = []
for line in text:
data = line.split()
regions.append(Region(data[0],data[1], data[2], data[3]))
return regions
def printResults(analyst):
totSales = analyst.calculateTotalSales()
totFic = analyst.calculateTotalFictionSales()
totNon = analyst.calculateTotalNonFictionSales()
for r in analyst.regions:
"", r.code, r.fiction, r.nonfiction, r.totalSales(), r.taxRate))
"Total", totFic, totNon, "$", totSales))
if __name__ == "__main__":
- 您为每个地区添加了音乐销售?
- 您从文本文件转移到 MySQL 数据库或 Web 服务调用?