我正在使用以下代码显示时间...我的 viewController 中有滚动视图...这里我显示的时间从 00:00.00 (mm:ss:SS) (minutes:seconds:milliseconds) 开始,目标是增加毫秒,基于毫秒的秒,基于秒的分钟...但是我想显示从 75:00.00 (mm:ss:SS) 开始的时间,并且我想将毫秒、秒和分钟递减到 00:00.00 (mm:ss .SS)...我怎么能...?

我已经在下面的链接中问过这个问题.. NSTimer 将时间减少秒/毫秒


enter code here
@interface ViewController : UIViewController
    IBOutlet UILabel *time;
    NSTimer *stopWatchTimer;
    NSDate *startDate;
    NSTimeInterval secondsAlreadyRun;

- (void)reset:(id)sender;
- (void)onStartPressed:(id)sender; 
- (void)onStopPressed:(id)sender;

enter code here
-(void)showActivity:(NSTimer *)tim 
    NSDate *currentDate = [NSDate date];

    NSTimeInterval timeInterval = [currentDate timeIntervalSinceDate:startDate];
    // Add the saved interval
    timeInterval += secondsAlreadyRun;
    NSDate *timerDate = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:timeInterval];
    static NSDateFormatter * dateFormatter = nil;
    if( !dateFormatter ){
        dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
        [dateFormatter setDateFormat:@"mm:ss.SS"];
        [dateFormatter setTimeZone:[NSTimeZone timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT:0.0]];
    NSString *timeString=[dateFormatter stringFromDate:timerDate];
    time.text = timeString;

    //    [dateFormatter release];

- (void)onStartPressed:(id)sender 
    stopWatchTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1/10 
    // Save the new start date every time
    startDate = [[NSDate alloc] init]; // equivalent to [[NSDate date] retain];
    [stopWatchTimer fire];

- (void)onStopPressed:(id)sender
    // _Increment_ secondsAlreadyRun to allow for multiple pauses and restarts
    secondsAlreadyRun += [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSinceDate:startDate];
    [stopWatchTimer invalidate];
    stopWatchTimer = nil;

    //    [startDate release];
    //    [self showActivity:stopWatchTimer];

3 回答 3


You have to register the timer to run in NSRunLoopCommonModes

stopWatchTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1/10 
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] addTimer:stopWatchTimer forMode:NSRunLoopCommonModes]; 
于 2012-04-22T06:29:41.240 回答

Timers are scheduled in run loops in certain run loop modes. They can only fire when the run loop is being run in one of those modes. The +scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:... methods schedule the timer in the default mode. Tracking of events while a scroll bar is being manipulated uses NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode. You need to schedule the timer on the proper mode(s).

You might schedule it on NSRunLoopCommonModes which is a virtual set of modes. Run loops never run in such a mode, but they run in modes which are members of that set. The default mode and NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode are added to that set, as is NSModalPanelRunLoopMode.

于 2012-04-21T13:32:19.350 回答
IBOutlet UILabel * result;
NSTimer * timer;                
int currentTime;

- (IBAction) start;
- (IBAction) pause;
- (void)populateLabelwithTime:(int)milliseconds;

.m 文件

- (void)viewDidLoad 
    currentTime = 270000000; // Since 75 hours = 270000000 milli seconds
    // ..... some codes....
- (IBAction) start
    timer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:.01 target:self selector:@selector(updateTimer:) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];

    [timer invalidate]; 

- (void)updateTimer:(NSTimer *)timer {
    currentTime -= 10 ;
    [self populateLabelwithTime:currentTime];
- (void)populateLabelwithTime:(int)milliseconds 
    int seconds = milliseconds/1000;
    int minutes = seconds / 60;
    int hours = minutes / 60;

    seconds -= minutes * 60;
    minutes -= hours * 60;

    NSString * result1 = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%02dh:%02dm:%02ds:%02dms", (milliseconds<0?@"-":@""), hours, minutes, seconds,milliseconds%1000];
    result.text = result1;

于 2012-04-21T13:04:06.207 回答