重新启动我的游戏时,它会因内存不足警告而崩溃。我正在寻找一种方法来关闭 EAGLView 并停止所有进程。我不确定要向您展示什么,所以如果需要,请询问更多信息。
我有一个带有 mainGameLoop 的 EAGLView,如下所示。
- (void)mainGameLoop {
// Create variables to hold the current time and calculated delta
CFTimeInterval time;
float delta;
// This is the heart of the game loop and will keep on looping until it is told otherwise
while(true) {
// Create an autorelease pool which can be used within this tight loop. This is a memory
// leak when using NSString stringWithFormat in the renderScene method. Adding a specific
// autorelease pool stops the memory leak
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
// I found this trick on iDevGames.com. The command below pumps events which take place
// such as screen touches etc so they are handled and then runs our code. This means
// that we are always in sync with VBL rather than an NSTimer and VBL being out of sync
while(CFRunLoopRunInMode(kCFRunLoopDefaultMode, 0.02, TRUE) == kCFRunLoopRunHandledSource);
// Get the current time and calculate the delta between the lasttime and now
// We multiply the delta by 1000 to give us milliseconds
time = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent();
delta = (time - lastTime) * 1000;
// Go and update the game logic and then render the scene
[self updateScene:delta];
[self renderScene];
// Set the lasttime to the current time ready for the next pass
lastTime = time;
// Release the autorelease pool so that it is drained
[pool release];