

// get a character string 
char *getsU2(char *s, int len) { 
    char *p = s; // copy the buffer pointer 
    do {
        *s = getU2(); // get a new character 
        if (( *s=='\r') || (*s=='\n')) // end of line... 
            break; // end the loop s++;

        // increment the buffer pointer 
    } while (len>1); // until buffer is full 

    *s = '\0'; // null terminate the string 

    return p; // return buffer pointer

// get a character string
char *getsU2(char *s, int len) { 
    char *p = s; // copy the buffer pointer 
    do {
        *s = getU2(); // get a new character 

        if (( *s=='\r') || (*s=='\n')) // end of line... 
            break; // end the loop 


        // increment the buffer pointer 
    } while (len>1); // until buffer is full

    *s = '\0'; // null terminate the string      

    return p;    // return buffer pointer

char getU2(void) { 
if(U2STAbits.OERR == 1) 
{     U2STAbits.OERR = 0; } 
while (!U2STAbits.URXDA);    // wait for new character to arrive return U2RXREG;
                             // read character from the receive buffer }


1 回答 1


Try using the UART receive interrupt. Code below is for a PIC24H; modify appropriately.

In your init function:

IFS0bits.U1RXIF = 0;        // clear rx interrupt flag
IFS0bits.U1TXIF = 0;        // clear tx interrupt flag

IEC0bits.U1RXIE = 1;        // enable Rx interrupts
IPC2bits.U1RXIP = 1;
IEC0bits.U1TXIE = 1;        // enable tx interrupts
IPC3bits.U1TXIP = 1;   

Create an interrupt handler that places the bytes into a buffer or queue:

void __attribute__((__interrupt__, auto_psv)) _U1RXInterrupt(void)
    char bReceived;

    // Receive Data Ready
    // there is a 4 byte hardware Rx fifo, so we must be sure to get all read bytes    
    while (U1STAbits.URXDA)
        bReceived = U1RXREG;

        // only usethe data if there was no error
        if ((U1STAbits.PERR == 0) && (U1STAbits.FERR == 0))
             // Put your data into a queue



    IFS0bits.U1RXIF = 0;        // clear rx interrupt flag 

Your queue code is along these lines:

#define FIFO_SIZE 64

char pbBuffer[FIFO_SIZE];
char *pbPut;
char *pbGet;

void FIFOInit(void)
    pbPut = pbBuffer;
    pbGet = pbBuffer;

void FIFOPut(char bInput)
    *pbPut = bInput;

    if (pbPut >= (pbBuffer + FIFO_SIZE))
        pbPut = pbBuffer;

char FIFOGet(void)
    char bReturn;

    bReturn = *pbGet;

    if (pbGet>= (pbBuffer + FIFO_SIZE))
        pbGet= pbBuffer;

Obviously, one should beef up the FIFO functions to prevent overflow, return errors on an empty queue, etc.

于 2012-04-23T15:41:20.570 回答